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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Yup check into it ! Dodger give up your vin ! That might get you by a rough spot!
  2. All good bro we’re here to help!The thing is the damage is already done! The oil is already thru the system The controler And the slave are polluted it’s going to be a crap shoot if you can get this back to square one with out a big bag of money! It looks like it could use a new turbo not cheap! The controller not cheap We will try help out however…….. the dog is out of the kennel!
  3. 9-5 is a compressor discharge temp sensor fault, 2-9 is combustion air temp sensor check the boot to hood alinment on the air cleaner! So as I suspected the sweep check at start up determines how your engine will run for the day in this instance don't shut it off unless you have some one there to help reset the lever! you might get away with just replacing the slave portion of the turbo! Heinz do you know if they still can supply this! sorry I forget the actual part name! Its a bit of an asshole thing to replace getting the nut off and the pin out can be a bitch!
  4. All good bro we’re here to help!The thing is the damage is already done! The oil is already thru the system The controler And the slave are polluted it’s going to be a crap shoot if you can get this back to square one with out a big bag of money! It looks like it could use a new turbo not cheap! The controller not cheap We will try help out however…….. the dog is out of the kennel!
  5. Just something to try! So have your wife repeat the key on sequence this time you push the lever with a screw driver till it bottoms this will give the puter the right measurement to start things ! see if the power is better ! Don't turn the key off just start it! this may lead us some where!??? the Vanes may be sticking or the pot that operates it may be faulty! It may also be full of oil you have a total mess there with that filter being gone! As Joey mentioned It was there for a reason now its not!😡
  6. It not being able to self check ain’t good ! It will not set it self in the right spot to run right! The way I understood this set up is ! Is it gauges it’s self at every start up comupter then decides where to run it if don’t stroke right it gauges wrong so it doesn’t run where it’s spose to! just sayin!
  7. Sounds like there’s No boost gauge working blind here!
  8. Has anyone looked at the codes on this yet! There is a wheel speed sensor on the turbo the green wire it may be faulty!
  9. Have her turn the key on don’t start let it do it’s self check! Yup Soot is not good! Worn actuator shaft!
  10. So you have air to the turbo? you said you cracked that line?sorry don’t want to keep beating a dead dog here you need to confirm it’s stroking correctly! Also when you start the engine in the morning no air in the system you should hear a change in the sound when your air pressure gets around 70 psi it will start to sound like Kirby vacuum cleaner at that point if it doesn’t then the egr valve is stuck open or the turbo is not working right! That could be the contoler or the turbo itself! With out checking we can’t help! I we are not there we are here we can only tell you what to look for!
  11. Probably and it maybe stuck open! If it’s stuck open it won’t let the turbo spool up!
  12. Dodger do you know where the egr valve is? Unplug it and see if the truck drives better!
  13. Where does that plastic line go? It normally goes down to the filter if it hasn’t been deleted?
  14. Should be directly below the controller!
  15. Copilot I believe! Is there no screen in it? Is there no boost gauge to your left in the gauge cluster there? If that had a screen you would have had an option to look at boost oil pressure and some other vitals . Mpg ect!
  16. Ok So Get the engine warmed up to temp! If you have a Boost gauge! Watch the boost! Rev the engine to max rpm! And feather it back and forth drop back 300- 500 rpm and back up to max top rpm do this half a dozen times see what kind of boost it generates! It should make around 15-20 psi just sitting there doing this! if so If its working as it should! It should sound like a kirby vacuam cleaner While you do this!🤣
  17. Did you check the Turbo VGT for stroke KEY ON?
  18. Follow the plastic line that leads to that controler back down the VGT filter should be directly below it near the oil pan! also There should be a valve on the fire wall to shut it off to change that filter!
  19. The ai stock was a dog but reliable! With the proper mods manifolds and or an ac cam they perform well! All this stuff let them breath properly!they worked well ! Aside from the odd bad turbo they worked well with mods!Hope we can get you worked thru your issues!
  20. You first need to check the operation of the vgt ! as stated if it strokes correctly once you confirm that and plug the egr if the egr valve is commanded open by the puter it won't matter no egr gona flow and it will not loose any ability to spool the turbo! essentially becomes a normal engine !I did this to a customers truck 2005 chn years ago the truck lived a long life aside from a the check engine light being on all the time the truck did over 1 million miles! no problems to speak of !
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