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Everything posted by fjh

  1. fjh

    New Volvo

    Good Call Bob! The Dyson Elite!!
  2. yup usually have to start them moving with a diamond punch! best to take the plug out of the end first! I made a special socket for it as well!
  3. Like Heinz was saying the Japanese trucks are the worst! We had a Hino line for a few years they were in the dark ages as far as parts look up when computers were well under way here they used the micro fic for years after! must be a translation thing don't know!
  4. Quite Honestly and this is ( My opinion) The Best parts training in my mind is for the parts guy to spend six Months in the Shop with a good Mechanic! See what Parts he has to change AND Why ! 😪 A younger parts guy with the computer savy is best for that Impact program as its so user unfriendly😡 ! I observed when we change from Real Mack To Volvo Mack The older parts guys struggled more with the Impact Program! How ever Experience second to none when it it comes to finding stuff really helps, just like the shop end Experience is A big important portion of both jobs ! I was fortunate I worked in a shop I was allowed to follow the parts guy to parts locations so new where to get stuff ! It got harder when Volvo screwed with things as the numbers had no meaning Just an assigned number!
  5. Trim code installed ? Each time? Can you do a Reflash on the ecu? Maybe something has gone sideways in there!? The learning at limit thing is an odd statement Kinda points to a programing thing in my mind! something is not making sense to the ECU and it is shutting down number 4! But just me I'm a Gray engine Guy only Dabbled in MP stuff! You Might tri Reflash first before swapping or getting the parts canon out again Stupider things have happened! we had ECUs do weird things before and it sounds heat related! from what you've been saying! 😡 and less labor intensive! cup of coffee and your Eyeballs is all that's entailed !🙄😁
  6. By what all has been said here so far My Guess is EGR Cooler or turbo! what I Think your seeing is exhaust gasses passed by the turbo seals and a small coolant leak there as well! Get an oil sample to start with ! And move on from there in my opinion! It gets worse as the load is applied There is a small amount of boost at idle for EGR purposes accounts for the steady wisp while idling! Oil sample then grab a straw! Pull the pan and pressure test over nite Problem with MP is (for lack of a better term is the butrus plate) it will make it hard to pin point where the coolant is coming from! Or Last resort Get out the parts canon and start shooting parts at it starting with the cheap EGR cooler then the turbo Don't recommend this However............... Note ! Usually ! If it were an EGR cooler there would be mass flow codes!
  7. Trim code installed ? Each time? Can you do a reflash on the ecu? Maybe something has gone sideways in there!?
  8. Not sure you’re truck has this but there was a fuse panel to to the left of the clutch up the side that gave issues at a point epdm panel think it was called there was a tsb for it we replaced dozens of these panels and installed a bandaid boot around the panel
  9. Yup agree with that ! I found my self getting grumpy with our parts guys at time’s waiting for parts not taking in to consideration they get busy with customers and other folks! Go get the stuff you self and get shit for that ! They get pissed cause you did so! Happy to be away from it truthfully!Worse is when the bring in the wrong parts pretending they know what you need! Used to piss me off too!
  10. don’t lie you hate his guts! 😂
  11. That was the key guy I was talking about in the other post 😂 yuo we’re hatin that parts dude!😃
  12. You done good Joey! Not much changed just the addition of the drive by wire! The mechanical is the same! What I hated the most was the change to the bolt on cam gear! To sweat on! Dumb! Added insult to injury when having to do a cam job in the bush!
  13. Do the swap! Definition of crazy apply here! Doing the same thing over and over! just sayin!
  14. Mannn! Frustrating! Do the swap! Got to prove its electrical ! In my mind! Did you pin the plug ? Ignore the boss do the swap !
  15. Yup you bitched about him a week or two ago! 😂or maybe it was someone else!?
  16. Mannn! Frustrating! Do the swap! Got to prove its electrical ! In my mind! Did you pin the plug ?
  17. Bro most all new vGT turbos have coolant to them think to keep the electrical crap cooler! Just my thought! I’ve been away two years now can’t imagine what has changed since I left!
  18. Really surprised you got that out of there it’s usually a hammer and chisel show!
  19. Is there and under hood fuse panel? If so check it for green fusses ect maybe swap some relays around also you could have a bad relay!
  20. You likely do !!! Or you wouldn't be posting here! Most guys don't Care! Just a Job ! Keeping an open mind! Google stuff use what ever at your disposal to find stuff for people is key! Problem is its time consuming ! and you got folks coming at you from every direction mechanics customers ect ! Compounded by an antiquated poorly designed computer system! Could be so easy if the Impact was set up correctly! Unfortunately they hired the wrong people with the wrong mindset to design it!
  21. Yup I'm not a Cummins lover by any means But they Do have a common sense approach to repair for the most part ! Unlike Volvo ! And if you have a Cummins in a Mack/volvo you have the politics and finger pointing when shit goes wrong! Your problem , not My problem bs with the customer caught in the middle! when it should be a TEAM effort! !
  22. Hmm ! Not a guru on this ! You checked the block grounds and battery nite switch connections ?
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