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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Did you try what Joe h posted ? maybe you should?
  2. fjh

    Shop Talk

    wouldn't want to pay a middle man ! Me and Joey want to clean up! Make the big Bucks! He wants to retire ! 😁
  3. fjh

    Shop Talk

    Criminal ! one 7018 welding rod 50 cents / one 6 inch by six inch piece of 1/4 inch plexi maybe 3 dollars Plus 3 dollar 100% mark up ! Worth 6 bucks! In materials Bit of sweat equity for etching ! 50 dollars would be reasonable ! $300 Not so much! We should go into business making these we could clean up sell for 99.99 ! You could retire from building engines! Become a door to door piston squirter aimer salesman! 🤣
  4. Yup its not running long enough to even build O/P ! not an O/P or Low water issue! Do the check engine procedure as joe explains there!👍 60 seconds or so would indicate a sensor ! Note I have seen stuck engine brake sols cause this on MP engines I know that this is E7 how ever don't rule out anything! Also check the big round plug at the fuel pump un plug and replug it together several times it may have loose pins!
  5. fjh

    Shop Talk

    YUP! If works don't fix it! Same rig I used for years as well Not sure much changed in that department! keep it simple!
  6. fjh

    Shop Talk

    Yup took fan belt off today get one tomorrow fight it back in! Drive seized to the pump shaft not unexpected!😡
  7. fjh

    Shop Talk

    Nice thing with the e6 you can use cloths pins to hold them up! While the side plates are off!
  8. fjh

    Shop Talk

    Nice job buddy! Pop that b housing pan a front cover on and your done! Or are you building a complete?
  9. fjh

    Shop Talk

    Joey what do you use to target the piston coolers?
  10. fjh

    Shop Talk

    I like the liner mock up tool ! I made one exactly the Same years ago when E7 came out great minds think alike buddy Never had a liner installer always used a bfh and block of wood for that!
  11. Well the Friday parts guys are refunding my cash as they could not confirm what cylinders are on here and are to expensive to send back pretty descent of them ! I did a little more research and was able to figure what cylinders are on there and ordered thru Amazon ! So if anyone needs some Cylinders Brake Master Cylinder D141779 D136837 for Case Backhoe Loaders 580M 580K 580L 590 ! I got em!😁 Thanks Josh ! Ya I can get the floor out real easy its a pc of stainless just chucked on the floor I'm suspecting some one already has been fighting with this issue before I bought the machine hence the stainless on the floor hopefully we can get to the bleeders from here looks tight and my fat old carcass ain't getting at them! I have an eager young apprentice that is going to dive in there and give it a go when they get here next week I HOPE! Wish me luck that these ones are right ! 🙏 And Joey thanx for the heads up ! I'm tryin to Deal with places I can get to with out to much political interference due to import fees and BS Im avoiding using sites I'm not familiar With!
  12. Me thinks you’re correct ! makes sense! Very lodgical thought! We will see!
  13. All Good my friends ! Thanx for chiming in ! if you guys think of anything more don't be strangers .The machine is down at this point till I get this sorted! The main issue to me is the lines coming in are on the top with a bend! upside down U shape so getting the air out may be a chore and apparently the bleeders are under the seat ! hoping I don't got to pull the seat! 🙄 😡
  14. Well I ordered from Friday parts and got the wrong cylinders so I’m awaiting their return options! There are several options for this machine and it’s by serial number! I ordered 20000 vin or less and what came was wrong ,my vin is 16000 but I still need 20000 plus the difference is the bore size 7/8?vs 1 inch I need the one inch😡
  15. Well going to take a crack at it today and see how it goes! If it goes sideways well I will order up a service manual ! Its not really rocket science just the steel lines enter from the top with a over 90 degree bend kind of an air trap to my way of thinking! If it were difficult there would be alot more posts on the issue! Hoping for some good luck! 🙏😄
  16. I know there are a few guys here that and have run and worked on these ! So I thought id put it out here ! A while back I purchased this unit! the brakes had been pined together so I hadn't noticed that the right hand brake is not operating goes right to the floor and the reisvour is full ! No leaks any where so I'm assuming the Master cyl is toast on that side! I got two new master cylinders and am about to replace them ! Has Anyone here had a go at doing these ? Bleeding them looks not to be the easiest affair so was hoping there was someone here with some tips! I'm finding this machine is a changeover year for a lot of the parts the hydraulics and brakes have different kits for serial number 20000 and lower ! you can't just order for 580k and get the right stuff! That said I managed to get the cyls for this and thought if anyone here has dealt with this issue they might post there experience ! The Broken Tractor dudes seem to have a good handle on the part situation their selection is good but as far as info not so much on a lot of stuff! I don't have a service manual And there is very little on line u tube stuff! And what there is is in Spanish! Not helpful! Thanx in advance!
  17. I know there are a few guys here that and have run and worked on these ! So I thought id put it out here ! A while back I purchased this unit! the brakes had been pined together so I hadn't noticed that the right hand brake is not operating goes right to the floor and the reisvour is full ! No leaks any where so I'm assuming the Master cyl is toast on that side! I got two new master cylinders and am about to replace them ! Has Anyone here had a go at doing these ? Bleeding them looks not to be the easiest affair so was hoping there was someone here with some tips! I'm finding this machine is a changeover year for a lot of the parts the hydraulics and brakes have different kits for serial number 20000 and lower ! you can't just order for 580k and get the right stuff! That said I managed to get the cyls for this and thought if anyone here has dealt with this issue they might post there experience ! The Broken Tractor dudes seem to have a good handle on the part situation their selection is good but as far as info not so much on a lot of stuff! I don't have a service manual And there is very little on line u tube stuff! And what there is is in Spanish! Not helpful! Thanx in advance!
  18. I suggest you follow up on the first stuff posted by Joe there! Cheep and easy stuff first ! Also if you can poke around above the trans there and see if the are any wires that could be rubbed together the torque limit switch is a 2 wire switch that may or may not be used on the Spicer trans! even if the switch is not there the wires likely are and could be rubbed together ! Is the speedo working? ensure that there are no other switches at play!( Fifth wheel slide)( Air Ride Dumped) those type of switches! I don't recall if these were equipped with these safe guards or not BUT keep them out of the picture by having them turned off! Note the torque limit will cut the power by 50%!
  19. So what trans is behind this engine is it a Mack trans? Or fuller! There is a torque limit switch that could be at play here on a Mack trans also ! If there is no check engine light on ! there is something holding back on the power the computer does not see! as joey mentioned grounds and battery / starter connections(top of list) places to start! ! Note the check engine light will likely be on now due to a miss match code between VECU and The EECU at this point!
  20. Possible Fuel starvation? How’s the fuel pressure! Check you fir tank vent for starters! Check and clean the tack pu on the flywheel housing ! Clean the grounds below the starter all good first looks!
  21. Like A bullet!
  22. What he said!😃liner height over 24 -28 is best!
  23. Yup agree keep us posted!
  24. That’s exceptional boost for a 350 your fortunate!
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