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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Check the ecu connections for coolant or oil push! Unlatch the ecu plugs and inspect! Ch models were quite bad for coolant push up the wires ‘
  2. Bummer a lot of the time this will give you a direction to go! I noticed that the sensor below that plug is damp! That is the timing event marker if you can get it to run again try wiggling those wires a see if this changes the issue that sensor should be dry .
  3. So try taking the fuel pump plug apart un plug it and re plug it a half dozen to one dozen times and see if this changes your situation if it does then you have two choices have the plug repined or hard wire the pump to the truck! It’s the bigger gray plug at the rear of the pump there!
  4. Did you check the EGR cooler ?
  5. Yup you get on that bro! 😁I'm Going to go play on the Case for a bit today Tring to get some seat time been busy with other stuff lately winters coming and got to get my wood shed full! If we don't get burned out here. the whole dam province is on fire ! We have been spared here So far However if its only a mater of time If the heat keeps up! A lot of stupid people out there ! Not to mention the accidental shit that happens Car fires etc. that can cause a hell fire! The last major fire here on VI was in the 1800s WE ARE DUE!
  6. 39mt should be correct LS Light Steel Frame I believe! If it had RL 685 it would be an aluminum frame! 685 Is it single drive axle? Where is Kevin when you need him ! (kscarbel2 ) he's a walking Mack encyclopedia !
  7. Me too Joe never tried the swap before ! Just as a Note thou E6 2v still has fire rings !
  8. pull some thing before you get carried away ! if you can get 28 to 32 is good numbers for a 400 ! A 454 will make 35 -37 . if you don't got a pyro get one!
  9. Not worth the chance in my mind !just by the right ones!
  10. nasty !
  11. We once had a truck that worked well for 6 months then wouldn’t pull still under warranty! We checked everything except the turbo! They wouldn’t let us change the turbo it was a vmac engine!after all the checks were done other than the turbo They put a top secret program in this truck and it layed down black smoke like no buddies business! Still didn’t pull ! They finally gave in and put him in a new truck! That said we all thought and still think a turbo would have cured the truck however water under the bridge! Would really like to know if the turbo would have cured this we never heard ! The truck was sold to a different person that didn’t know any better! All the evidence pointed to lack of air but know one would listen!
  12. Naw just hold off till you get the turbo and see how it is ! Back the smoke screw out to its aprox location and tweak it so you got just a whisper of gray! And if you’re achieving about 28 to 30 psi boost your right as rain!😀Nice thing is you covered all the other bases!All good!
  13. Yup agree ! I’m surprised it wasn’t smoking more! I at one point was going to suggest looking at the turbo however you said there was no smoke under load!sounded like lack of fuel!
  14. Did you have the turbo calibrated after you replaced the actuator?
  15. Can you wire it back into place for a patch?
  16. It can cause your over fueling it not enough air! Is there anything left of the socket on the end of the rod?
  17. fjh

    Open wastegate

    Joe may have you covered here! I know very little of the Detroit system! ! You may also have a boost leak!
  18. fjh

    Open wastegate

    pyro temp up with no go ! the turbo exhaust snail will look blueish also ! NOTE the year and model of truck would help here! Just sayin! The waste gate was used in two years of trucks 2001- 2003 I believe ! Max boost 33 Psi and then everything changed to the EGR fiasco either VGT or AI !
  19. Sounds like the only plan now you done all you can do! Timing will not give you what you’re missing there!
  20. Sounds like a stuck open injector or dynatard issue! You need to nail down which cyl by cracking injector lines then post what you find!
  21. The little two screw cap on the back ! That determines where fuel starts coming on related to boost! It won’t likely give you the boost you’re after but will improve gidy up go !
  22. So try turning the screw in on the fac under the little cap that screw determines where the fuel starts coming on it! Turn it in half to one turn and try it! Max 20 pounds boost is off by at least 8 psi you should be making 28 to 30 !
  23. When you had the load on were you trailing any smoke?
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