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Everything posted by fjh

  1. Just speculation thx! 🤔
  2. Government spy drone firing meth pellets not big deal just trying to keep them meth heads alive!
  3. Day time running lights are mandatory here!
  4. We have two competing ready mix out fits here ! one union ,one non union ! The the non union place trucks are a joy to work on .the union shop not so much just caked with stalagmites ! If you got to work on anything you end up having to jack hammer off chucks to do so! makes me angry ! Glad I'm away from this stuff now! going on three years don't miss this BS!
  5. Sorry my comment was a general one ! Not superliner! R for Scania! yup 150 to two fifty!
  6. There was only a short period where Mack offered Vendor engines ! The Kt was very close to loaded weight on a 12000 pound axle! We sold only one of these it was A 525 ! There were several 8 92 detroits sold here and quite a few 3406 went out as well ! I have seen a a Man in a Mack Think maybe it was a transplant not sure ! And also Scania was offered as a low horse power option back then as well!
  7. have you tried swapping relays around one may be stuck on!
  8. A Kia!
  9. Have you done an oil sample?
  10. yup another side track thread ! 🤣
  11. Geof I really only need the 30 amps to run my well pumps fridges ect ! I just shut down the all the heavy draw items the HW the Heat Pump (got a wood stove) and the shop compressor! It can handle the lights and the rest!evry thing light wise I have converted to LED so I have very little draw in that department The shop draws a total 9 amps with all the lights on!
  12. yup joey I guess I have to get into the habit of pulling it out and starting it every couple of months! these storms haven't come often but when they do they kick the hell out of things for the hydro dudes! last big storm was 2 to three years back and we were out for 3 days! soon after that I bought this gen and only used it the once after that!
  13. Well we just went thru this situation power was out for 24 hours or so due to a big wind storm ! I put a plug on the out side of the house with a lock out on the panel ran it thru a 30 amp breaker. Haven't had to run the gen for two or so years even though I ran it out of fuel when I put it away back then ,there was just enough of that shitty fuel they sell us in the carb to create a mess ! Had to remove the carb and clean out all that crud in the carb to get it started! I learned that you need to drain the float bowl and blow it clean if your parking the gen for long periods. how ever how do you know when your going to need it that's the hard part!
  14. Correct doubt if you can buy shims so if you can find a 9/16 flat washer slightly thicker than what is stamped on the pump you will likely be happy with your out come !
  15. yup thats it! Remember you need to shim it! or the engine will be slow to respond!
  16. Likley injector orings!
  17. Try cleaning the rpm sensor on the flywheel! An if you have oil leaking at the timing event marker change it out!
  18. Naw long as the compression is good it will be fine just a little to alot of black smoke till the turbo spools up!
  19. Is your pump Ambac or Robert Bosch? This was used on both at one point however later on they changed to the lda style more universal to other manufacturers! Like Cummins and John deer!
  20. So remove the bimbo cylinder and inspect it if it is not protruding ! Put it back in and cap the line to it! There appears to be no shims behind that from what I can see! Put a thin washer behind the cylinder and put it back in with some silicone or pipe sealer on the treads!
  21. Means nothing! Have it checked again ! Just saying!
  22. Yup the extension dimension is stamped on the pump at the top! Hence the washer behind the cylinder!
  23. The bolt must not be thread in all the way no deeper that the cylinder it’s self! Also I maybe wrong on the thread it may be coarse thread! Been a long time since I had to mess with one of these! We used to put a 9/16 flat washer behind the cylinder to speed up take off ! It would make the cylinder retract faster than the rack !
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