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Everything posted by fjh

  1. There is no overhauling that it was sold as a unit! Un screw it ! Youll see how it is! Hint a a 9/16 fine bolt will fit the hole ! if the rod is protruding with no air to it it will not let the engine have full fuel! Just sayin!
  2. yup sure did! your not using the puff limiter why not use that hole!???
  3. Nope just lift the lid ! Use silicone instead of a gasket!
  4. Maybe plugged! Take the whole fitting out!
  5. Did they check for combustion in the fuel? Did they check the tank vents? Did they check for something floating in the tanks? also is your truck equiped with roll over protection the yaw sensors could be causing this! all possibility's!
  6. I took an old sensor and hollowed it out and made my own real gauge adapter!
  7. If your truck is deleted it makes it harder to diagnose! It can be the turbo causing this! The vgt may be stuck! if the egr is corked then possibly the vgt is stuck but not knowing the fuel pressure leavse you grasping at straws J pro is one I haven't worked with it Macpro may chime in and lead you to a better option I am not a guru on these so your talking with the wrong guy! If the turbo is stuck it will not throw a code period its one of those gut feeling things!
  8. Hate to say it but you’re chasing your tail without a computer! You need to know what that fuel pressure is and if the egr valve is closing as it should! Also if the mass flow is working correctly! Do you have codes engine light on ?
  9. So you think its a fuel pressure problem but it could be something else!!?
  10. Are you sure you got the lines in the right spot on the transfer pump! ??? I'm not a guru either on this ! that said its got to be something simple ! Is the fuel pump putting out ??? What was your original issue before you changed the housing??
  11. Heinz you the man! Your definitely out pace us on that newer stuff! just keep your ears open and listen to the guys who are having the miss fortune of working on the stuff You'll learn lots! The fuel system on these is a bit of a dogs breakfast! the hokey little hand primer and all the check balls are a pain! These turds needed to have put an electric primer pump on these would have elevated a few problems ! I Could go on and on but I won't ! I've said it before ! These engines have a good foundation However some of the dumbass addons are frustrating!
  12. I found The main issue with this post was the comment Clicking! Very confusing comment for a syncro failure ! Usually its posed as a Grinding sound! In my opinion it sent us all down the wrong path to start with! I'm happy he got it sorted thou just sayin!
  13. Preferably fine thread with stover or nylock nuts!
  14. Yup that’s it!
  15. 👍agree
  16. sorry can’t open them they used to Make tack / fuel transfer combo a real pos!
  17. It’s usually mounted below the injection pump just below the fuel transfer pump and runs off the accessory drive!
  18. A long shot remove and clean the venturie tube and sensor!
  19. yup to many Stupid people on the roads these days and its getting worse! Rather stay home and mill wood or work in the garden even watch soap operas as to go to town !
  20. Don't no off hand ! Set the engine on the degrees you want to be at ! install the pump pined on the number one cyl !And try to have the slot mid point when you install the gear all will be good ! you will have all the tweaking room you need! as stated the feed line is to run the econovance!
  21. Have you had it checked for injection cup issue very common on these! They run the engine with a clear hose on the return line and look at the bubbles!
  22. Hopefully things should be good! Long as the hub with the key fits the E& gear all should be good in theory!
  23. So what timing did you go for! just curious!
  24. Mighty fine ! You need to get more land so you don't have pissing matches with your neighbor! or just murder that tree and be done with it ! I got so many trees around I would have to set fire to 200 aces of park to get the leaves gone! oops shouldn't be replying to this ! the thread is getting messed up! 😡
  25. The best identifier is the square port as mentioned and No as mentioned! 30/30 is the most common these days on drum brakes ! Im not sure what they are using on the Disc stuff as Im well removed from the business these days thankfully ! They look like 20/20 or 24/24 !
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