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Everything posted by fjh

  1. The best identifier is the square port as mentioned and No as mentioned! 30/30 is the most common these days on drum brakes ! Im not sure what they are using on the Disc stuff as Im well removed from the business these days thankfully ! They look like 20/20 or 24/24 !
  2. 36 is common on mixer’s here du to the weight it’s ok to have one axle bigger but not one for on each! That said your safer with all the same on all drivers are best! Steer axle brakes Must have matched pods even if you have roto chamber they must be both roto by our rules here! Common to have 24 on the front sometimes 20!As a side note long stroke pots are not inter mix able here either even though they are 30/30 0r 24/24 dumb but true!my belief is that every thing should have long stroke pots period!
  3. Yup thanks for posting the fix! Bro
  4. Check all the return line orings! They all have orings behind the brass nuts.
  5. Thanx Joey! I don't like putting out miss info if I can help it!
  6. On my older truck with an EM7 engine? HP? Jake or dynatard? I don't advise using it till its set! 15 thou feeler shouldn't be hard to come by? If its a newer style jake! your valve set is 16 /24! If its the old yoke style 400 Hp its the special tool 85 thou i Beleive! that u need the tool for there were two diffrent settings for that don't remember the settings 80 and 85 depending on HP Joey May remember He may chime in soon! Getting old and don't precisely remember!
  7. Pull up the roller from under the pump ! check it if it looks good check for the pin that the roller slides on in the block if its still there and in good shape put it back together and drive it`! I would check the other pump bolts and if you can just replace them all this happens from time to time its not common or uncommon I believe it to be a bolt flaw non related to anything else! I have rescued a few of these from the road side over the years You should be fine!
  8. yup spiders and a lock out are more sensible! More for giving when you got miss matched tires!
  9. sounds like the fuel is is being flung around I really suspect the transfer pump ! I highly doubt a plug would spray fuel like that it would have to be hand tight! that said anything can happen! put some more dye in the filter run it for a minute or two and then pull the transfer pump should be a defind trail of fuel running from the shaft area behind the gear if its fubar!
  10. My comments were made with not having to change the fuel line configuration in mind! if I remember on the v Mac pump the hub on the pump is not keyed to the shaft your mechanical pump is keyed! May make things a bit more of a hassle to time but should be doable! As long as the spring in the econovance is not broken and engine starts in the retarded position it should work fine once timed to 18-20 degrees fixed timing!
  11. I believe u need a different drive assembly! Just bolt the pump on either the vmac coupler don’t know if the e6 stuff will fit standard vs metric I believe!
  12. The econovance is held in retard by a spring! If you don’t have oil pressure to the econovance it will not advance! Just sayin! Cap off the oil feed and Simply set the timing at 19 or twenty and you’ll be useable whatever you find works good and leave things be! If you cap the line off it becomes redundant!
  13. I for got to mention that kw and most other manufacturers have gone to this style of mount there is no escaping stupid when purchasing a truck these days the engineers are all cut from the same fabric! 😡captivate is there main focus bringing you back to the dealership is important to there bottom line!
  14. the mount ain’t easy to change either! Horses ass designed those dam things Volvo trash!
  15. Puppy Poster likely won't return!
  16. if you were my customer and you asked me to search for this sound i still would pull covers just cause I hate pulling transmissions then rear ends! Just saying! Once burned twice shy👊
  17. I already posted my main thought due to the lack of clarity! Done till more is revealed! To much fuel in there to be much else unless they cut an oring on assembly!have seen the shaft seals blow out while priming!
  18. Fuel transfer pump is my first thought that’s a lot of fuel!
  19. Lock out the power divider if it has one! See if that changes the situation! no effort on your part!
  20. 👍
  21. Yup all we can do is listen a wait for what he’s experiencing an see if we can lead him down the right path! My first thought was syncro however! Because of his symptoms!
  22. Yep seen that a few times Terry! We got to verify if this is a click or a chatter Or grinding sound ! Its kind of un clear at this point! We had a guy come in once that had a whining sound he could only hear while driving by a rock face or guard rails on the hyw ! Turned out both diffs were done the hard surface off most of the teeth on the top set in both! 4:17 and 4:42 ratios were bad for this! The problem with the mack diffs was they were designed around 300 or less Horse power!
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