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Everything posted by fjh

  1. another thought also if you have a power divider lock out lock it in ! If you have un even tires can cause a click sound! If the click goes away you have your answer!
  2. Agre also check the rear yoke bolt on the transmission!
  3. E7 if u can find them! They fit e6 /e7/e9
  4. Sounds like you had the right idea before I came along!😀 That’s a good thing! Have the guy disarm the smoke delay too that will be two things off the list! Some of these dudes are fussy about screwing with emissions so you may be doing that yourself!don’t be surprised!😡
  5. No ! Remove the cap on the front of the pump you will see an L sshaped rod if you can delicatly move that in and out the rack is free if not you should pull the pump and have a pump shop look at it! Don’t loose the sleave that the rack slides in it’s just sitting there it’s a guide for the rack! Be sure the stop is in the run position when you do this!
  6. Is the arm on the fuel lever?is it pulled back to idle? Front is usually return
  7. Just pull the little cap a run the Allen screw all the way in! You could try finding a longer one I guess!you can also pull the plug on the top and back the star wheel off to take the spring pressure off the diaphragm!
  8. Long as you have looked after the oil and coolant on most e 7 engines they last long time 27 to 35 thousand hours!
  9. Don't think Ambc was around at this point Joey! Linkage and throtle pedal will have you working a bit but Im sure youll get it converted!
  10. My self I have worked for all of the Mack dealers here for the last 40 years ! I stuck with them because it was my comfort zone I liked the simplicity of the product ! Like anything once you get used to working on it its hard to avoid being drawn in! I swore when drive by wire came along I would quit! However You tend to evolve and continued on! So in a nut shell when ever I got a lay off I was always called back and was one of the first hires when the companys folded and started back up again ! it happened here 3 times!
  11. think they deleted that pain in the ass thing buddy
  12. So you’re bro needs to check the cam and crank sensors the engine will take longer to start if one is not operating it will crank a lot longer to get its bearings before letting the engine have fuel!
  13. Block is the same crank is the same the curve ball is the cam and rocker tubes and possibly front cover!
  14. have him check his oil level the fuel pump may be on its way out!
  15. Did you check the engine ecu plugs for coolant push?
  16. so is it still throwing up codes? Long shot here ! How ever Unplug the wiring from the engine ECU and check for oil or coolant in the plug!
  17. assist valve? I have no codes for brake issues and no lights/messages pop up. Its a good start!
  18. But as for Mack or Volvo doing it NOPE they had to use a Cummins in the md cause they didn’t want to build a smaller engine!
  19. Yup you don't want to be to far from an outlet with any of these! my old mack shop just received first of 6 garbage packers for a local community here and they are still awaiting there charging station to put them into service! Can't wait to see how this turns out!🤣 Just got thinking of a new business venture I should buy my self a new portable welder and run around charging dead garbage trucks! 🤣
  20. All good Joey! Better than any any alternative I’ve seen so far though! Elon hasn’t proven anything yet!
  21. Agree ! We can hope I guess ! Some one with deep pockets may buy em out and bury it!
  22. Correct! Paul , As I said it’s intended job! And I wish they would get on with it ! Elon has been baiting people on with his full electrical situation for years now with no solid outcome!these guys don’t need to follow the same path! There is tons of equipment that could benefit from what they are doing!
  23. Twice the torque of diesel! they have yet to put it to work doing the job they intended it to do! It moved a full load of logs on flat ground just fine time will tell if it does it’s intended job! As a side note they have decided on scania as the engine they will proceed with when they get rolling! Unless a customer wants other than!
  24. Crack at least three fuel lins At the head pump the hand primer till you have solid fuel NO FOAM then tighten and then try to crank it should light up on those cyl enough to get running provided there isn't an electrical glitch!
  25. Yup I agree with Joe here post your symptoms a see what the masses say !also last six of your vin and model!lots of help here if you post all the info!including history of your issue!
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