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    Carbondale Pa.

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    Macks and Brockway's
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  1. Intrested can you contact me mackbuilder@gmail.com thanks phil
  2. 1999 cl 713 factory tri axle 460 Mack trans and rears new brakes and tires $30.000 neg. Thanks Phil 570 806 1505
  3. Cl 613 mack e9-500. Mack trans and rears. elite interior trim $16.500 neg thanks phil. 570 806 1501
  4. Gmc five star general complete in good shape
  5. That is a 360 that I bought last year from avon mass. A work in progress.I have 6 brockways
  6. Better pic
  7. Sorry about the upside down pic could not get it to correctly post
  8. 3 axle detachable lowboy trailer 50t air ride non ground bearing new tires and brakes self contained wet line system 22' well never side loaded dedicated to milling meachine $18.000 contact phil 570-806-1505
  9. Mack 350 9spd underslung suspension Jake brake new matched rubber new brakes new drums wet line no rust aluminum factory frame a.c. Southern truck $15.000 call phil 570-806-1505
  10. cab with interior minus drivers seat and radio plastic set for e6-350 $ 2500 contact phil 570-806-1505
  11. 400 with 13spd mack 44k rears real clean interior trailer hitch factory tri axle $28.000 contact phil 570-806-1505
  12. i purchased this truck an it will be heading to carbondale pa. need to finish some odds and ends. kinda hope someone else likes silver more than me.we will most likely sell this beauty in the near future truck even has wit line on it thanks phil.
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