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About rmodelowner

  • Birthday 06/25/1987


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    Saskatoon Sk Canada

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  1. It was the tractor protection valve behind the cab that the glad hands go to. case closed
  2. Good advice all around. spraying through the passenger door would have been way easier haha thats funny
  3. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. I got her going =) at first the starting fluid did nothing then i cracked each injector one at a time. Nothing was coming out but kinda sounded different each time. then when i felt so hopeless i got pissed and sprayed a bunch of fluid in the air filter ran in the cab as quick as i could and it let out a few gigantic clouds of smoke then was just idling good as ever like nothing ever happened. If it wasn't for border security i would be driving the mighty Mack to pa tonight to buy you a drink macktrucks4! I was wondering if it was possible to blow air into the tank and push fuel into the system so that's very interesting . I plan on putting a bunch of fuel in it and not letting this happen again but out of curiosity how do you put the air in the tank. through the the fill cap? Is there a proper way to purge everything like if it was at a shop and they worked on the pump wouldn't they have to do something similar?
  4. Mine doesn't have it then. No i haven't tried ether. I do have some have never needed it yet. i will try a shot when im back at my truck. thanks
  5. should there be a hand primer? i cant locate it. the pump is american bosch
  6. Supposed to take my truck for a safety on monday coming. I am not that mechanical but have been working on it all winter outside with any spare time i have during daylight and have learned a lot and have an ever growing list of new parts and a much smaller wallet. I test drove it Tuesday quite a bit. It was running great i couldn't be happier. Wednesday morning I decided to take it to speedy to install my windshield.( Feeling kinda guilt not tackling the job myself) Wendnesday night i went to start it and warm it up for a bit cause it can still get real cold here and i want to make sure she started in the morning. It almost started but fluttered and died when i stopped giving it gas. after that it just turned then after that just clicked. i knew my starter was on the way out so got out the visa and bought a new one yesterday and installed it. boosted my batteries off my buddies gravel truck and tried to start it spins fast now still wont fire. It was running perfect just before this im thinking theres a simple reason. Checked my tanks they were not empty but very low. Maybe i sucked up some air then shut it off? Does that seam realistic? i put some more diesel in. i made sure the line from the tank to the filter was clear by blowing in it it bubbled in the tank then i filled the line back with diesel. took off the filters and put new ones on filled to the top with diesel. still wont fire. tried cracking an injector but dont really know what im doing. started with the on farthest from the firewall nothing came out. got a trickle coming out the two closest to the firewall and some tiny bubbles. im new where i am living so i only know a couple people and there away this week so im just turning it the getting out and looking . From what im saying do you guys think i just have air in the system. Is there an easy way for me to purge it? its a 76 rmodel. i know my bosses stearling has run out before and he had to crack the injectors in a certain sequence. Help please my puppy's laying there in a coma.I'm so devestated
  7. I took my 76 r model a test drive yesterday started leaking out air near all the parking dash knobs when i apply the foot brake:( Messing around i figured out if i push the red trailer supply knob in everything works absolutely perfect:) Im still learning so a point in the right direction would be appreciated. like i said im still learning but im figuring the dash knob needs replaced or theres a valve under the truck clogged. Is it possible the farmer who owned it before hooked up the knob backwards? its a gravel truck i think it used to be a oil field water truck. there is a set of glad hands under the truck and it used to have pintle hitch. LIke i said if i keep it pushed in it all works perfect but seems to me thats backwards seeing as i have no trailer. its got the yellow red and blue knob. also when i park i pull the yellow if i pull the blue it leaks a little. wasn't worried about that but maybe related? other than that everythings great taking it for a safety next week hopefully all my work will pay off and the old girl can be a work truck once again and start paying me back!
  8. Thank you good sir!
  9. wouldn't that be more effort than just removing it?I don't really understand how its hooked up i see the one line goes to the intake manifold??? i think?? and the other looks like its going in the cab. I ran out of daylight i will have a better understanding tomorrow. I have 3 toggle switches in my truck i haven't figured out what there for maybey ones for that i will check tomorrow. Thanks
  10. Could someone explain to me how do I bypass puff limiter? Mine is leaking a little and i think it is clogged . I would like to bypass it at least to see if this solves my problem. Do i just plug a line somewhere?
  11. It was the treadle valve... all fixed:)
  12. haha mine is 36 years old it was ciezed too i had to take every fitting off from underneath and pull it out the top (by that time my hands were missing a lot of skin) then i soaked it in penetrating oil all night torched it then pounded it out made putting the new one in easier with it apart
  13. I just bought a brake treadle valve today for my mack RD600 cost me $70 once i return the core. I think if you buy the valve with the whole pedal and mounting plate attached its like $350
  14. Thanks:) Its coming right out the exhaust on the very bottom. Before i realized that i changed the brake switch valve and re taped all the fittings thinking it was that.
  15. Hello all! I have a 76 R model. With the spring brakes released i have a slow leak and when I apply the service brake i have a huge leak out the bottom of the treadle valve. I understand that a leaking valve could be back flow from a leaking brake spring brake pot. The truck was recently in for a safety and they told me one pot was leaking and another had a broken spring so those have both been replaced. I guess the other ones could be leaking but i doubt it cause they would've told me. Does this sound like the treadle itself??? I'd just hate to replace it and not solve the problem as it looks super tight to get everything off of the treadle to get it out.Any tips or suggestions much appreciated. This sight has helped me a lot just from being a silent onlooker.
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