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Everything posted by D2Denny

  1. h67st Hope you get your H done by next spring and bring it to the BVH spring show. I'm looking forward to seeing it. I thoroughly enjoyed driving my H. It ran and drove well, the original seat was quite comfortable and with the vent open in front, not at all uncomfortable in warm weather while underway. Not so sure on the driving experience in this G. Its more like large Spam can on a truck frame. Reminds me of the White 1550's of the 60's and 70's. No creature comforts at all.
  2. Wanted simple old schooll truck Like the sound of a non turbo engine
  3. Thanks for all your comments. Got a call into Tom Pierce on this. Been friends with him since his “Big John” restoration. Also no maxi conversion possible without major changes as the RA91 axle has the chambers directly below and up against the springs.
  4. About 16 years ago I sold my B and my H. Been looking around for a single axle, day cab, naturally asperated, cabover (that's all I have room for in the barn) as a winter project. Doug Fetterly turned me on to a G in Virginia. The owner passed away and Scotty Shifflet and Ken Sage were handling his estate. Was able to strike a deal and hauled this beauty back home to the Buckeye. 1962 G75LT END 673 with a triplex (aluminum case). The cab is aluminum also. There was no accompanying paperwork to document its restoration or who did it. The truck was sold to the deceased Va. gentleman by Ken Crouse of Iowa who got it from Bill Smith of Fort Dodge Iowa who supposedly purchased it out of Michigan in restored condition. Does anybody recognize this truck and could provide me with further info as to its history? Haven't driven it yet as the radiator needs to be re-cored so that will be the first order of business. Thx Dennis
  5. Needed for an H67 a TRD 67 or TRD 670 Trans. Dennis Campbell dencmp@embarqmail.com 419-545-2706 thx Dennis
  6. Looking for a TRD67 or TRD670. D2Denny
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