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Everything posted by 2stacksuperdog

  1. We need to get rid of only having a certain number of likes.
  2. We are in 2013 which gives us even more of a reason to fight. I can keep going all night.
  3. Those buzzers in the newer macks are used for everything, flashers, low air, oil pressure, etc. the DMV guy didn't like that one day when we got pulled over.He said they should have multiple ones instead of just one
  4. I dont like my chain yanked when it comes to saving Macks
  5. They bought that new in 87 along with two brad new Fruehaufs in 85. They use to have a R700 with a V8 and a DM800 with a Cummins pull their lowboy
  6. okay so lets say anything before 1998 stays including any newer trucks if they have a mechanical motor
  7. They re-did that truck about 5 years ago. It has a 300, 12 speed, 46k rears. They usually only use it with the lowboy but use it with dump trailer if really busy. I have been meaning to get a picture of it since my dad works down there all the time. They have a couple old macks hiding in the garage too.
  8. Heres some info: http://www.volvotrucks.com/trucks/na/en-us/Pages/Volvo%20Trucks%20USA.aspx
  9. I like anything pre-2002. After that stuff really started going down hill.
  10. Our town is pretty self-sufficient. Our mechanic does everything himself that he can. We only got 8 or 9 trucks and about 5 or 6 fords F-150/F-350. they don't have any problems with the macks besides regular stuff that happens but the Freightliner is a whole nother story.
  11. Whats that suppose to mean? So are you saying that by us believing Macks should stay in this country we are not intelligent?
  12. The old beat trucks can be used as parts trucks for other more fortunate ones.
  13. The owner still drives a CH. I see they are also getting a few KWs now.
  14. Thats why Mack is the "Greatest name in trucks." Our town went in with the state about 5 or 6 years ago and got a Freightliner. It was the worst thing they ever did. The truck can't plow snow up a hill with a load of salt on it. All the other trucks we have are R-models ranging from 1980-2001. They also got rid of the International last year to pay for another used Mack they just finished building.
  15. Maybe so but have you seen the pictures of the poor trucks from down there. At least we maintain them and don't use them to push trucks around (some people do) but we take care of them. With our civilized roads
  16. Maybe so but have you seen the pictures of the poor trucks from down there. At least we maintain them and don't use them to push trucks around (some people do) but we take care of them. With our civilized roads
  17. Maybe U.S. product should be made in the U.S. not in Pacotacojuanyman, Mexico or China. Maybe thats why our economy is in the red?
  18. Why don't you guys use Petes, KWs, Freighliners? Maybe us Mack people here want the trucks to use for work too. We shipped one truck over seas it was a RB and the guy flew just to see it had camel back springs. It turned into a big mess at the ports. I know i will NEVER export a truck or knowingly help in the cause.
  19. My dad was telling me how he got stuck in the Thomaston Dam one night, wrecker came, got stuck and had to bring bigger wrecker to pull little wrecker and pickup.
  20. I wouldn't junk it but let it sit considering the scrap will go there anyways.
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