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Everything posted by kframdiesel

  1. scored a b model after wanting one since i first saw one. Excited to get the restoration under way may do a re power, the old 673 and duplex is little out of date to be on the highways now id love to stuff a 300 in it but i have other engine options too. will be looking for parts soon other the watts where is a good place to get some? thanks in advance!!
  2. yes that rollback is what im thinking of for me E model i was worried about cutting the cab for dog house does he have pics of this truck?
  3. has anyone tried to stuff a cummins in a e model? im thinking of putting the cab on a newer frame like a f-450
  4. thanks!! was stamped on the door jam there was a service sticker over it lol
  5. thanks found that one is there one on the cab?
  6. anyone know were the vin is on a 85 autocar,? any help is appreciated!!
  7. i just found a pic of a make dog as a shifter that must feel good for the hand lol
  8. hi dave, welcome
  9. thanks guys!! will look in to that since that is a smaller hood truck i see your idea and point
  10. lol ok were havin too much fun with the dog
  11. on the 40's trucks did the bulldog have the bigger ears? its missing on my EG. Thanks kris
  12. thanks, i will do some research
  13. masseys are an ok tractor we had a 1080, i say that because a restored a 135 for a friend, turned out great. However i never want to rebuild a perkins diesel again, the timing gears only line up every 10 revoultions i think tryed to forget lol to check its in turn the engine 20 times or so, ill stick to the cases farmalls and jds
  14. Thanks for that info!! thats my problem i have the 5.9 cummins also. Im thinking of using the dt360 because i bought a school bus and took the body off and its more then 30Ft of frame. Has the all wheel disc brakes and modern steering. I wish someone had pics of a repower job that would help alot
  15. like the title says intrested in repowering an e model, im thinking of the dt360 and spicer 5 speed any thoughts? thanks kris
  16. thanks mike!!
  17. hi all, im looking for an e model grill, might need more e parts any help is greatly appreciated!! thanks Kris
  18. thanks for that info id love to see pics!! thanks again kris
  19. cool pix guys keep um commin
  20. thanks guys im using a dt360 international engine its one of the smallest engines id want to use the other option is the 5.9 cummins
  21. looking for some e model parts grill, weather stripping, probly much more when i get to the project, any help is greatly appreciated!! thanks kris
  22. is there a smaller donaldson cleaner? or anything smaller from another truck?
  23. cool id like to see it, and anyone elses case pics, thanks kris
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