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About Jeremy_Brault

  • Birthday 02/11/1984


  • Location
    Crookston, Minnesota

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  1. Question for the pro's. I bought a 1991 superliner that needs a cab and hood. I found a 78 superliner with nice cab and hood. Are they the same or did they make the cabs deeper as the years progressed. Are the hoods the same on them weather they had the v-8 or inline 6? Any information would be greatly appreciated thank you Jeremy
  2. Grab the wire harness by the air compressor and wiggle and try it. They break where it turns and goes behind the engine.
  3. I have a 2013 chu with an mp8 505, I was wondering has anyone ever taken an m-drive transmission out and installed an 18 speed Mack transmission? How big of a job is it? I have all 18 speeds in my fleet besides this truck, and we absolutely do not like it. We spread gravel on township roads and do a ton of short hauling. It just doesn’t work as nice as the 18 speeds.
  4. Can anyone tell me what the purpose of the ground relay is on the firewall of a Mack truck? Do I need it or can I bypass
  5. Looking for ground circuit wiring diagrams for a 93 rd Mack. Thank you
  6. No codes, well there is but it’s me unhooking and trying things
  7. I have a 93 rd with an e7 400. We overhauled the engine last winter. It acts like it doesn’t have any power now. So I had the injectors tested while I did the head retorque, they are perfect. I’ve acquired a pro link 9000 scan tool for a Mack and have narrowed it down to the timing is not advancing, it actually retards when accelerating. I have 12 volts at the econovance solenoid. I powered the solenoid with 12 volts and it runs better and shows timing advance on the scan tool. I tried changing Ecm and Bosch module no luck. I’ve also changed temp senders and manifold air temp sender, and Reset tem sensor, but nothing changes still no advance after idle. So my question what’s telling it to not advance?
  8. I’m looking for the cab wiring diagrams for a 04 ch613. I’m trying to locate where the customer ignition feed comes out and where the customer battery feed comes out. I have power leaving both switches, but can’t find where they are at. I thought on my 07 ch they came to the junction block on the firewall, but not in this. 04. So I need to do some tracing. Thanks in advance Jeremy
  9. Well I found that the sleeves were leaking on cylinders 2&5 so I ordered a new long block
  10. The leak is not external, that's the funny part it's internal runny out crankcase breather. I did not sample but tasted it and its antifreeze
  11. I have no white funky slime like water oil mix makes, I also have deleted the egr and egr coolers
  12. The 12 speed is an all around awesome tranny, down fall is extremely expensive to overhaul I have one in an r model with 4.17 gears and tall 24.5 rubber cruises about 75 at 2000 according to gauges
  13. About $500 for rods and mains. 210ft lbs on mains buttress bolts are 95ft lbs rods are 30ft Lbs plus 90 degrees. Oil pump bolts are 40ft lbs
  14. I have an 04 ac460p. That is using antifreeze. The other day I was trying to find the source and found that the antifreeze is running out the engine breather hose. I had the oil pan off few days ago to roll bearings in it and had no traces of Antifreeze there. And nothing inside valve covers, so my question is what is causing it to run out the breather? It uses about 1/2 a gallon a10hour day
  15. 2004 and older I believe
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