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Everything posted by rgilmore

  1. if u apply 12 volts to actluator will encrease rpm butt no control of limint so pump is working need to know how rack position senor works
  2. do not have way of checking timing please explain,basic code read pro link if need to will buy mack card
  3. checked fuel pressure to start with had around 25lbs but would fall to bout 15 to 10 replaced with mach rebuild stesdy 30 but didnt make any difference
  4. 12/1996 if unplug timing sensor on the side of pump will not acell, at all. it does set code, rpm displayed on scanner if unpluged it sets code accel pedal reads from o to 100 when pressed. when pressing on pedal engine speed encrease to around 1200 then set falling off but hunting really bad if you let off throttle idles normal. set cruise will only encrease to 800 but runs smoothly.
  5. going down road felt like you let off gas pedal, will not rev up over 1200 then hunt up down. replaced injection pump,removed fuel lines to alternate fuel cell, no codes
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