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Everything posted by mattb73lt

  1. Yeah, it’s not too far off. This color is Cat Yellow. The fluorescent lighting changes the color a lot. When I shot it the first time I thought I was way off on the color. Once it was out in natural light it looked real close. People always ask, shouldn’t it be beige or gold?. Not in this vintage. I think they’re both close enough. I’m not trying to win some concours, I want to drive it and have fun.
  2. He also sells just the pedal for $15.
  3. Chuck Roser carries them for $53. kingofsalvage.com
  4. That’s what I use, 2/0, on my starter installations. Never had any issues. I’ve run two pairs of 6V’s in series to a 12V starter and two 12V’s to a 12V starter. Both work well, but I prefer the pairs of two 6V’s for the cranking reserve. I stay away from series/parallel switches completely.
  5. I didn't repaint everything. I wasn't able to get any of the "Heavy Equipment Yellow", which was very close to the factory engine color. So, I ended up using Cat Yellow on the main assembly. Some of the accessories are that more pale yellow. After some use it'll all blend anyway.
  6. Not yet. Still lots to hook up. I did finish the oil system today and fill the crankcase with over 8+ gallons of oil. Later, I cranked the engine on the starter, no fuel, and was able to build 40 PSI on the gauge. Fixed a clutch linkage issue, somehow installed a bell crank backwards giving a very stiff pedal. Much easier now! Had to dodge rain showers all afternoon and finally called it quits about 4:30 due to that. Stuck the hood on to give the engine some cover.
  7. Actually, I’m trying for the Brooklyn show on 6/25. I want to get some miles on it before venturing out. Plus, I need to get the body on to add some weight over the rear axle. It really rides rough, even with the tires aired down.
  8. Man, I got a LOT put back together today. It was faster mostly because I wasn’t fabricating every little piece and kept it pretty well organized as it came apart.
  9. Back where it belongs!!! I was getting everything ready this morning and I lined up the engine while I was waiting for help to arrive. Then I thought, let me give this a try and with a little effort it dropped right in! It must’ve been all my previous practice that helped!!
  10. Yup, same here. I usually put together a weekend work party with family and friends. But I need to get this done and don’t want to wait. Plus work this time of year can be unpredictable. I already lost this coming Sunday.
  11. Got a lot reassembled today. My friend is sending me a 5,000# lift on Wednesday and on Thursday he’s loaning me a couple of his mechanics to help me set the engine back in. I only need their help for about 20 mins if it goes right and I’ve got everything ready to go. I’m leaving the intake, exhaust and water manifolds off to make it a little easier. Until then I’ve got a lot to do to get ready. I’m keeping my fingers crossed work stays quiet this week as it looks like the weekend is already disappearing.
  12. Actually, that was my goal. My chapter has a show this coming weekend and I was hoping that would be it’s first outing, I think Brooklyn is doable.
  13. Yeah, there might be some anger management issues with you jokesters lurking about in the shop! I'll be wracked enough trying to get the oil pressure up and then firing this off. Those first few minutes and then road tests will be hard enough without someone screwing around. I will admit to having fun with people in a shop setting, though. All in good fun.
  14. It’s painted. All I kept thinking about while painting was “I hope I did everything right, because I’m not doing this again, dammit!!”.
  15. I have an Empire blast cabinet. It’s indispensable for this kind of work. I use it all the time to clean things up. There’s a pic of it way back in one of my posts.
  16. I had it upside down for the last time the other day to get the oil pan on. Having the rotary stand was indispensable!
  17. He’s pissed because I’m the barn and he thinks I’m ignoring him all day!
  18. Off the stand, FINALLY!! I need to add a few things to it, then prep and paint. A little more assembly, then back in. I feel like I’ve done this part before?
  19. That's fantastic and looks amazing!!
  20. It took quite a few attempts to get through the valve lash sequence before they stabilized at the proper setting. I barred the engine over and set, then go through again to recheck and they’d change a little. I gave up last night and went at it this morning and finally got them set. Now for the bell housing/clutch and the oil pan. Then it should be off the stand for paint, a little more assembly and back in!!
  21. That was from you? Thank you so much for those items!!! They'll definitely get put to use!
  22. This mornings efforts, just need to set the vale lash and add the Jake and the top is done.
  23. All timed up, front gear case assembled, minus the oil pump. Push rods inserted. Cross heads on. Looking to get the rocker boxes and jake brake on tomorrow. You can start to see the extent of parts that are coming over from the original engine.
  24. Yeah, we got a lot done yesterday, but it was time consuming. Setting things up and checking tolerances. A lot to do for each step. Setting up and organizing everything beforehand certainly sped things up. Rocky has been a huge help and a wealth of knowledge. I'm certainly learning my way around a 220 for certain. He's tied up today, but should be able to be here tomorrow. That's been one of the issues getting this done, is having him find the time to help me between calls from his regular customers.
  25. Progress!! Today's handiwork, sleeves, crank, piston/rods, cam and heads!! Tomorrow, injector timing and further exterior assembly. It was a good day!
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