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Everything posted by mattb73lt

  1. That’s going to be a good base to start that restoration, a nice clean frame!!!
  2. There are several manufacturers that make under cab step/tool boxes. Merritt Aluminum products comes to mind. A style of saddle boxes my help get you in the ball park of what your thinking. The Mack LT series had something along the line of what you're talking about in a step/storage box. An internet search for images might help with ideas, too?
  3. I've see n a few Mack Jr's(REO built) at shows, but they are pretty rare and were not big sellers when new. The E series did have various lighter spec versions in a pickup configuration. The cabs were much smaller than the L series and had a one piece push out windshield. The cabs were very close in size and look to the A series that was produced prior to the B series in 1953.
  4. It's looking great. Glad to hear things are slowly improving. Hopefully, you'll have all the basic necessities back before the cold weather sets in!
  5. Maybe just a couple of quick passes to start with the flap discs just to knock the high spots down. A good rasp about 12"s long or an 18" sanding board to work it from there. I usually start my surfaces with 36 grit on my sanding board and work up from there in grit, roughing in with 220 grit before going to other tools and grits. The board will help you develop flat surfaces and using it with two hands you can make quick work of large surfaces. The longer board will get to waves out and give you a flat surface and you can work the rounded areas to by twisting and rolling it around. I'll take a picture of the board I'm talking tomorrow for you.
  6. My dressed NH220 is 2700#'s, that's right out of the manual for it. So, being bigger and turboed, the 335 would be about what others are saying. As for the sandblasting, you have the time and equipment, that should save you some money. I spent about $400 having the donor frame half I spliced onto to the Mack frame blasted. Other money for the cab and frame parts. I don't think I was close to $1400 total, probably $1000 for outside sandblasting. Everything else I ran through my blasting cabinet. Not having a yard or the equipment to do the blasting was the main reason for outsourcing that versus renting/buying the equipment and was a wash cost wise.
  7. Doesn't look too bad. A couple more coats to fill it in, between sanding with a straight board should have it looking real good!!
  8. I can't, but great find!! looks complete and in fairly good shape!!
  9. Geezus, what a mess. Glad you're OK, though. It's going to be a long recovery. Let's hope Florida doesn't take the eye off your area!!
  10. This kills me. These pictures I took when I found it, compared to what it has become. As I told my one of friends recently, "I really polished the shit out of that turd!!"
  11. It does draw attention. A lot of people ask what it is. They're used to seeing a standard B model, but one with an L cab throws them. Had some time to take a bunch of photos of it in the sunshine in a good setting this week.
  12. Jesus, what a mess!! Connecticut is sending another CH-47 and a UH-60 down today to assist. There are several states assisting North Carolina as well, it's not just CT. Things are continuing to ramp up as more assets are arriving.
  13. No,I’m retired from the Guard. I’m just passing along what the Connecticut guys are doing in NC. I trained most of them.
  14. So far the Connecticut Chinook has moved 150,000#’s of all types of cargo and supplies and rescued 38 people and pets from one location.
  15. I heard on the news tonight they're talking about sending 3,000 federal troops to assist. The Guard is usually the first to respond, because they're community based. When I responded to disasters in the past, you usually would position as close as you can and then wait for the weather to clear enough to continue in and pick up your mission set and orientation of the area. I have seen some issues where there are civilian helicopters just showing up. This usually causes choas, loss of control and mid-air hazards. Civilian helicopters are of lesser value because they're usually smaller and have payload limitations. Everyone wants to help, but it needs to be coordinated to be safe and efficient. Title 10 would be the Active Duty troops, Title 32 are your National Guard troops under state control. I actually got paid less and received less benefits when on state active duty than when I was on a normal drill status. But, that's not why we do it. People (our neighbors) need help and we go, in our state or another in need.
  16. It's going to be a slow and painful recovery. I worry that the number of people killed and missing isn't as high as some estimates. That the people will be found in shelters or had been unable to communicate their whereabouts. These are some remote and hard to get to areas and a reason the word has been slow to get out as to the extent of this tragedy. You, your family and neighbors are all in our thoughts and prayers.
  17. Just so sad over this whole disaster. Thoughts and prayers for your neighbors, such a horrible tragedy. The main thing is you and your family are all OK and have shelter. Things can be replaced and seem insignificant compared to loved ones. I'm surprised how long it has taken for the news of this devastating tragedy has taken to get out. I didn’t hear about anything the magnitude of the disaster until you texted my back on Sunday. I was very worried when I didn’t hear from you on Saturday. I only started to see stuff on facebook and YouTube on Sunday, but nearly nothing on the news. My old National Guard unit sent a Chinook down on Friday and has been operating nearly nonstop since it arrived along with several other states. My thoughts and prayers will remain with you and if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask? Matt
  18. Here's a better picture of the door.
  19. Thanks. I'll get some better pictures, I'm having issues with my phone. I did a lot of research and took a lot of photos of other trucks to come up with this. Tried not to make it look like a fire truck and kept things simple. Borrowed the Mack "M" and spear for my name, though that was a nice touch. The painter was really into it and doing a period job to it.
  20. And a little bit of artwork and pin striping to finish things up. A little nod to the original owner by adding his nickname for the company he leased to, Krajack Tank lines out of New Jersey. Just picked up the truck early this morning. What a great job this woman did gold leafing and striping the truck. Really ads to the restoration! 8DA5CA1F-C14E-4FB8-A6AF-49B40B120A8A.heic 4551CA86-9D86-4C0D-A12F-092CAF158FBC.heic
  21. I had those black in my mind. They look better that color. Beautiful job on them!!
  22. Seems like a little dynamic adjustment was in order and saved you some work!!
  23. Time and money are always a factor. Another is the mess it's going to make where you do it. I have a couple of places I used to have large pieces sandblasted. I don't have a yard where I can create that kind of mess, so it's worth it to me to have someone else do it. Plus, I don't have any of the equipment necessary to do it properly.
  24. What position is your starter on the bell housing? There's a lower right, down on the passenger side. Also, upper left on the driver's side, between the block and steering column. Mine is on the upper left, which I think is the harder location. I bent up a spare 5/8" wrench to reach it from the inside of the cab after removing the floor boards to access the area.
  25. You really have made a lot of progress this year and you're very close to finishing it up. Good luck on your back surgery when it comes and hopefully you'll have a speedy recovery.
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