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Everything posted by mattb73lt

  1. Yes, PPG Concept DCC "Mack Fleet Red" Paint code # 75674 It's the first big job I've used it on. Previous projects I used Dupont Centari, which is no longer available. This was very easy to apply, with very good coverage. As for the overspray, I thought it was typical for the volume of paint I sprayed. It'll sweep up. I try to let everything lay, other than tape and paper, for 24 hours to cure. I leave my fans on for a few hours after I've finished painting. Probably had a little more on the floor as the cab sits pretty low to it. I just checked it now and it looks great after curing.
  2. And I didn't mess up the interior paint!! spent six hours yesterday cleaning and taping off the interior. Mostly taping!! Just a few spots to clean up. WOW is all I can say!!!!!!!
  3. I did it!! It's now "Fleet Red". Still curing up and wet, but really getting glossy as it does. That new curtain is a life saver!!!
  4. Yes, it is. I also did the back wall and roof. Back wall came out good, roof not as much as it was difficult to cover. I did end up doing the inside of the fire wall, instead of the face for several reasons.
  5. Paint on the interior, today!! Floor, jambs and doors. Took longer to tape it all off then to paint it. Just finished up and time for a well deserved beer.
  6. Yes it has been quite a while to get here. As I’ve said all along, this cab is the worst part of this build and I knew it would take the longest. Once it’s done the pace should pick up.
  7. Wet sanding away!! Got about 1/2 done yesterday and planning on finishing today. A couple of nice days to do it.
  8. Scroll back a little, I posted the site where I got them. They’re a home run!! Keeps everything out of my shop side of the barn. Or just google, “sliding dust curtains “. These are working out so well, just have to clean one bay now, not the whole shop.
  9. Another step closer. Sanded the whole cab and applied epoxy primer to it. Once it cures, I’ll wet sand the whole cab and start applying color. This week is looking good!!
  10. The new curtain earned it's keep today. Sprayed about a 1/2 gallon of primer on the exterior. Huge mess in the work bay, NOTHING on the shop side!! It was so worth the investment. Some Lizard Skin to spray tomorrow and then interior paint. Then, followed by the exterior. Sooo close now!!
  11. I don’t know the length, but I replaced my speedometer cable earlier this summer and this was the part number off the old one the Mack dealer matched up. This was on a duplex and then a triplex I have in my truck now.
  12. Almost there. Upper cab is seam sealed. Roof is done, some high build primer took care of the pitted areas on the donor. Upper molding sealed and installed. Doors are done and mounted. Some more sealing, epoxy priming and wet sanding before....paint!! Very close now. The curtains are proving their usefulness and value. Keeping them drawn, while doing all this dusty sanding, is keeping 95% of that mess out of the shop. Just what I track in on my shoes when I need to go to that side.
  13. They did bring it back and offer it again as an option. I would agree with Redhorse, it is a roomier cab with larger windows. There’s a few extra inches here and there, but it’s the larger, more square upper area that makes a difference in not feeling as “cramped”. Both cabs are just as wide at the bottom and the L a little deeper fore and aft. I will say the B cab is more durable and better built than the L. The lengths I’ve gone to bring my L cab back lead me to believe this and all the B survivors. The B series with the L cab option are my favorites.
  14. If it’s the same pad for a standard B, the military uses the exact same pad on the M35 series 2 1/2 ton and several others. Readily available in from eBay and several surplus vendors.
  15. I can pick out some good ones and run them through my cabinet to see what they really look like? I was just saving them until I found the NOS ones.
  16. No problem. I started by googling “sliding dust curtain”. Up came a bunch of sites, and chose AKON Curtain and Divider. www.curtain-and-divider.com They had what I was looking for and were easy to work with. Took about 30 days to get the order, from the first call. Many options and products to choose from. Installation was easy, I did it by myself in about three hours for both curtains. So far I’m very happy with them and should work great once I start spraying and for any dusty projects.
  17. They’ll at least cut down a significant amount and some of the messier stuff I do. My shop has evolved a lot since I last had a large paint project. I don’t want to spend months cleaning up the overspray afterwards.
  18. Finally received my dust curtains and had time to install them today. These should help keep the overspray and dust out of the rest of my shop. Now, back to work!
  19. Good, but a little slow at the moment. Awaiting a sliding dust curtain to section off my working bay from my workshop/machine tools. As usual, the dust from the bodywork went everywhere and I want to control the overspray better once I start painting. Plus work is in full swing, so time the last few weeks has been tight. I should be on to wet sanding and paint in the next couple of weeks.
  20. A little before, during and after on the left side cowl. It's come a long, long way.
  21. Basic body work done and a re-prime today. Panels are all looking good and decently straight. still more sanding and minor work to do, but considering how far apart this cab has been, I'm very pleased with how it's progressing.
  22. I think you have a heavier shaft. That B-42 shaft only measures1.00” max over it’s length. So your’s is heavier like the B-73. Well at least we know it won’t fit. Sad part for me is that I was saving a really nice, crack free, 22” steering wheel from my B-42 for the B-73. I only recently took the steering column apart for paint and now I know it won’t fit, so back to the cracked one. Crap. Let me ask around to see if I can find you one.
  23. I'm thinking it's keyed and pressed on. I'll dig into the box tomorrow to see. I'm not going to use the box again and I thought this might work.
  24. I wonder how the worm gear is secured to the shaft? I was thinking about pulling that B-42 box apart to get the shaft out. If the worm can be removed and swapped and all the other measurements are the same, this could be a pretty easy repair.
  25. Yeah, I was thinking the steering shaft might work for you. The box is for a FA 505 axle. I thought yours, last time I saw it, had a heavy front axle and would have a bigger box. So, I wasn’t sure if the shaft would or could be swapped. Someone may know. I have it if you want to try? I can open this one up and see what it looks like, too?
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