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Everything posted by mattb73lt

  1. WOW! Lucky that didn’t happen when you were driving!! Might be easiest to drop it down than trying to pull it up through the cab. Sourcing a new shaft shouldn’t be too hard.
  2. The paint code for Mack “Fleet Red” is DCC 75674 (PPG#). Same color for frame and cab. That should cross to other Co #’s.
  3. It is expensive. I bought a gallon of PPG Concept, with all the additives and hardener it was over $900. Red is one of the most expensive colors due to the pigments. I heard pearlescent paint was even more expensive.
  4. I was going to go back to the original Mack “Fleet Red”. I already painted the bottom of the cab.
  5. It’s moving along pretty quickly. Can’t wait to get this part done and get some color on it.
  6. About 2/3 of the way done smoothing out the panels. Just taking light skim coats to do it. Still more sanding, priming and wet sanding to go.
  7. Ok, but don’t fall in love with a headache. You’ve listed a lot of issues in your last few posts. As I’ve said, you’re the one who will work on it and expend your hard earned money to make it what you want. From what you’re posting it starting to add up to a lot of work. I would proceed with caution and I would be looking for a little less to purchase.
  8. From what you found, $6500 doesn’t seem too bad. The cab sounds like it has some issues. But, if you think it’s within your capabilities and you have the ability, you should be ok.
  9. When you inspect it, try to determine what has been done to it and modified over the years. Any mods done well and with the right components should be OK. Wiring is not a huge deal, as the electrical system is simple, harnesses available and you can make your own without too much difficulty. Stay within you capabilities for doing things and you should be good.
  10. On the cab, check the driver’s side floor area. Both door sills and door bottoms. Check along the cab floor where it meets the back wall of the cab, inside and out. The cab back wall is prone to rust in that area. Fenders can be replaced/repaired. Door jambs and gutters. Windshield and upper cowl areas are other areas to look at.
  11. That really looks good! A Plus on the effort!!
  12. Hump work!! Cleaning, fixing and priming more parts. Sprayed about three gallons of primer so far. I now have five large shelves of parts ready to go in the hayloft. Started smoothing out the cab, amazingly it’s going pretty quick. Roof is done, cowl is just about there. It’s not taking too much effort as the panels were pretty straight going on. The cab back will take some effort. But, moving along.
  13. I was going to cover the corner vents with a patch of Dynamat, until I found a better solution. I'm not sure if I want to permanently close them off, but still worried about sound coming through. Also, are you saying just use a high fill primer over the LS to smooth out the texture and then paint? I was planning on doing an experimental panel to come up with a smoothing solution before paint.
  14. Back on its feet. Rebuilt and shortened my dolly, it was starting to sag and I need it more stable for the work ahead. Man, this cab looks good now.
  15. Thanks, I’m really happy how it came out. That’s a lot of reading, never thought this would be such a long story. But it’s getting done. Faster now that the cab is done. Matt
  16. harrybarbon, Yes, I spent a lot of time getting into all the nooks and crannies, making sure everything was well coated. I got a little overzealous in one area and started a sag by going too quickly. For the firewall, I’m going to do the inside and cover it with the firewall mat. My thought there was to use it to cover up all the unused holes and to better seal it. There’s a lot that gets mounted to the engine side an I wanted a cleaner look. I’m also going to coat the underside of the cowl, back wall, roof and door inners. So far it seems like a good product. I’ll need more to finish, as I was surprised how much I used on the bottom of the cab. Regardless, it’ll still have more soundproofing than the factory. Now, do I straight pipe it or put a muffler on it to defeat all of what I’m trying to do?
  17. And then there was COLOR!!! Big bright RED!! Thanks to my Australian contributors, fully coated with Lizard Skin for sound and heat. This should be the last time the cab is on its back!! I’ll let it sit for a few days before righting it. Then on to bodywork and more RED!!
  18. Wow, that’s looking really good. Great effort and will look beautiful when you’re done.
  19. Nice, those are some big, heavy parts!!
  20. Looks great! Nice clean start going back together.
  21. I’d love to have this done. But, I’ll keep picking away at it until it is.
  22. Bits and pieces. Now to get some parts and machine work done.
  23. I was, but you beat me to that rearend so now I have other things to do, LOL. While this truck was mostly there when I found it, it was really used up. Everything I’ve worked on needs attention and that takes time. It wasn’t designed for construction, which is where it spent its final years. The good news is that it will be literally brand new when I’m done.
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