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Everything posted by mattb73lt

  1. That really looks nice. Great work!!
  2. For some reason I can't load photos tonight. It did come out nice, though. I'll try later.
  3. Color!! Finished the top covers and got everything sealed up and re-gasketed. Primed it with etching primer and just finished the second coat.
  4. I thought of making it out of three separate pieces, probably would have been faster., then welding it together. I was concerned about the strength of doing so and having it fail later. I originally thought of making it 3/8" thick, but opted to go to 1/2" as I proceded. It was also the challenge to design and fabricate it that really motivated me to take this path. Having a Bridgeport in the shop and the background to use it helps a lot. Biggest thing though, I'm having a ton of fun putting this truck back on the road.
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't want to pay someone to make it.
  6. I'm trying to make some concessions to improving the truck while I'm restoring it, like the spin on filters. Another is converting to an alternator. Picked up a 100 Amp Delco that was new, but searched high and low for a bracket with no luck. Drew one up and found a $10, 12 lb. piece of scrap at the local steel yard. Thought this would be a quick project, but it took two days to whittle it down to under two lbs. to a working bracket. But, it's done. A snowed in Winter weekend helped, too.
  7. On to the transmission. Rebuilt this in 2005, bearings,seals. Replaced the bell housing with a steel one, the original was cracked and was welded and cracked again, when I got it. Working on the clutch linkages now. All the pivot points are egged out from use. Welded them up yesterday and remachined the ends to tighten everything up. Just have to finish them and the top covers before paint.
  8. About 95% done with the 220 after today. Just a few things to get/finish, then on to the transmission for paint.
  9. Final round of paint today for the Cummins. Getting all the bits and pieces painted that I removed to paint the block was a lot more tedious than painting the block.
  10. Love this style of the B Model, really my favorite. I have both and there's just something about the lines of the cab, high radiator, fenders and aluminum step tanks that really does it for me. It does seem that the rounded B cab was more durable, though. Maybe the rounded design took the vibrations/stress better. construction seems simpler and has less parts than the L. The L still wins it for me, more head room, slightly longer, bigger windows and really good ventilation. Three cowl vents and two back corner vents for airflow. Just a really sharp combination of both series.
  11. All I have is the original manifold. Love to find a back drop or a split manifold for it. If anyone has a lead on one or one they'd let go, I'd be willing to talk? i seldom see them available.
  12. Fabricated the oil lines today and updated the filters to spin-ons. Plus a little machine work to the original Cummins brackets so they would fit.
  13. I would agree with Brocky. Look at it and give a good offer, see where it goes.
  14. I'll look around. They have a yard in town on RT 71 with a few pieces of equipment still in it, there's a Ford compressor truck for sale here also. A steel nose R dump that's also still in use. The Company garage was razed recently to expand the rail station. Are you looking to contact them? I'll see what I can find out.
  15. I wondered where that went. Aiudi was in my town, over by the Berlin RR Station. It's a parking lot now. They had several B's and a Autocar dump that sat around for years and never moved. wonder where the B's went?
  16. Yes, Same pics from there. Power steering and power brakes. Very pleasant to drive, except for the mileage.
  17. Well, had to delay this year in making some progress. Spent the time getting my Father's '41 Cadillac back on the road. Cleaned and re-organized the shop for the truck. Moved the NH-220 out so I can clean and paint it yesterday afternoon/evening.
  18. Really neat find. Would look awesome all restored with all it's original equipment back on, Very unique. Anyone notice the portal above the driver's seat to watch the overhead machinery?
  19. Really nice!! Great to have everything protected and right there in your yard.
  20. Very nice. Good recovery from the storm, looks beautiful!! My recently rehab'ed barn
  21. Boy, was I off. Still awesome to see working, though. That's got to be a huge disruption on those little roads at peak vacation times. Was out there the last week in July, simply beautiful out there. Maybe there's some more work out there by Sankaty Light, before those houses tumble into the sea. One house has about 10 feet of backyard left.
  22. That looks like Polpis Rd. area. I think that was in/around 2013. It was still sitting on I-beams when I saw it, if it is the same one. Of course I missed the B model getting a work out. There was a B-81 doing some house work out there several years ago, missed that one too
  23. I used Dynamat Extreme as well when I swapped in a 237. I did the whole firewall exterior and cowl areas. Silver side reflects a lot of engine heat. Doubled it up in the area of the turbo. I also covered the fiberglass intake tube that runs through the cab corner in it. A huge amount of turbo noise comes through that tube. Its amazingly quiet over the road, you can talk and hear in almost normal tones, turbo noise is very hushed. Stock floor mat with and extra layer of regular insulation on the floor. The B-73 I'm doing will get it on both sides of the firewall and floor.
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