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    Federal Way, WA

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    Retired cop - Grandparent - Photography - AND history.
    Wife won't let me BUY a 'real' truck...So I build models here and there.
    Love old trucks and big machines.
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  1. Thanks Al, Yup, that's Bob [alittle older, then I last recall...But then again, it had been afew years since he & I last kibitzed] - Brings back some memories... He was a really cool guy. Much appreciated. Ed -
  2. Thank you, for the compliments and all the 'welcomes'. I will try to work on some more photography - I recently switched over from 35mm film, to digital. I believe, I have more photo's on slide/negative. I will try [time permitting], try to post some more. I had some from Bob Brown's yard...If I find them [one I always liked was the Bucyrus-Erie, mounted on an AC bed, from the Bremerton Naval Shipyard], I'll work on them. Recently moved - We know how that goes...
  3. Greetings to one and all, I have enjoyed reading the material off 'bigmacktrucks' for awhile and finally decided to join. Mainly for historical information concerning the Mack and the simply pleasure at admiring your mighty fine rides, here. I had the pleasure of meeting Robert [Mack] Brown, when he had his yard, along old Hwy 99, back when I patrolled in the area - He was always giving me a bad time bout coffee and donuts [cop food, ya know]. He was the one, who got me interested in old Mack trucks. [it was here, on the forum, I learned of his passing] 'No', I own none - That is the full-sized variety Mack. But, I do so much enjoy them... Beautiful trucks. I enjoy building a model here and there [my history interest plays well into this aspect], photography and 'road trips. Again, 'thank you' for the welcome. Ed -
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