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other dog

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other dog last won the day on January 30

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About other dog

  • Birthday 04/05/1956


  • Location
    Spout Spring,Va.

Profile Fields

  • My Truck
    1963 V190 International with integral sleeper cab
  • Interests
    antique trucks and photos,I'm a member of the ATHS,ATCA,and subscribe to every antique truck magazine I know of-Wheels of Time,Old Time Trucks,Shifting Gears,Double Clutch,National Geographic
  • Gender

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Community Answers

  1. Is that why on the older 13 speeds they recommended shifting it like a 2 speed axle, that you shift to the next higher gear first then move the splitter button back to direct, then the later ones they said it was OK to preselect the splitter?
  2. Wow, yes I remember when a small bag of chips cost a nickel, a candy bar was a nickel, and a soda out of a vending machine was 10 cents. I remember very well the time my mother sent me over to Jenkins store to get her a candy bar. The same store Dad sent me to to get him a pack of Camels. She wanted a Big Time I think, or a Hollywood. But I'm pretty sure she wanted a Big Time. But I didn't want to go to the store, for whatever reason. She gave me a whole quarter and told me to go to the store and get her that candy bar. The store was just past my grandfather's house, which was across the field from our house. And I started across the field between our house and my grandfather's house, the field that had just been plowed. I thought "I'll just show her!" So I stopped and picked up a dirt clod and put that quarter under it, then set the dirt clod back down on top of it. I started walking back towards the house and ma saw me and said "I thought you were going to the store- where's my quarter?" I said "I put it under a dirt clod". She said "where? Which dirt clod?" I said "right there-" and I turned around and looked and there was a thousand clods of dirt, and they all looked exactly alike. Me, ma, and my brothers all looked for that quarter but we never did find it. I'm sure it's still there in that field to this day.
  3. I've driven 4 different trucks with 18 speeds in them, many with 13 speeds, and I never knew there was an air filter on them. Of course I never claimed to be a mechanic, and not much of a truck driver 🤣
  4. VA. does have a good governor, and I'm planning to vote for Lt. Governor Winsome Earle-Sears when she runs for governor. On the other hand, we also have worthless POS tim kaine here, and that other worthless a-hole POS mark warner.
  5. They have lots of toys Plus a few more that's scattered about, and when the back yard had a small creek running through it a couple of weeks ago I picked up all these and put them on the picnic table. There's a gallon vinegar jug there, one of Zina's shoes, and much more 🤣
  6. I did that for a while when I hauled pulpwood and wood chips to the paper mill in Covington. We had these books that I think you could put a week on one page, you had to keep track of your hours but not break it down like a regular log book.
  7. I did some more grilling today, I cooked some ribs for a neighbor. This nice lady dropped by and wanted to know if she could help and maybe learn a bit about smoking ribs. I'd never seen her before, but she said she lived just up the road a little ways, so I said " sure, grab a Miller Lite and we'll get going here". She drank about 4, then she said "you wanna see these?" I said "heck no, they've only been on the smoker half an hour, they're nowhere near done yet, so there's no need to look at them!" Then she said "I think i'll go home now". She was weird, way too complex for me to try to understand.
  8. I drove for years and my log book said I drove 452 miles today, even if I drove from Seattle to Memphis. 452 miles. 🤣
  9. No doubt, the T660 got great fuel mileage. I always said if I only ran to Florida or Texas every week, which I did not, it would be a great truck. It was just not the best suited for what I was doing. If it had 3.70 rears, or even 3.55's, and a 13 speed with the 485hp. engine it would have been much better I'm sure. I think 485hp was the biggest PACCAR available at the time.
  10. Daggone it, I guess the big cup wasn't a good idea- this post is in the wrong category altogether! Can an official modulator move it for me, or do I have to do it manually?.. hate when that happens!
  11. I decided to make a meatloaf today, because Zina suggested that I make a meatloaf. I didn't wrap it in bacon, because I didn't have any bacon. It looked like this after I mixed the ground chuck, Jimmy Dean sausage, peppers, onions, and some other stuff together. I found this pan laying outside of the dumpster last week, but I scrubbed it good before I put the meatloaf in it. I like it because of those holes in it. Then I put it on the grill, as seen here- After a while it looked like this. This temperature gauge says it's done- So y'all can come on over any time. I used this cup to cook the meatloaf because it holds 2 Miller Lites, so I only have to come inside and get a Miller Lite half as often. Not sure if that's really a good thing yet. And this is what I did yesterday, made this walkway. I'm trying to do 5 things, so I don't get fired. 🤣
  12. I used to drive a T660 and it was one of the best and one of the worst trucks I ever drove. But it wasn't the truck's fault, it was just set up totally wrong for what I was doing. I was hauling mostly treated lumber and steel- I would load the lumber in Moneta, VA. and take it mainly to Ohio and western Pa.then load coils and bring them back to Lynchburg, VA. It was uphill all the way up there, and it was uphill all the way back. I was loaded heavy both ways, I never weighed a load of the treated lumber that wasn't over gross. And the truck had a 455hp. PACCAR engine in it with a 10 speed transmission and 3.36 rears. It seemed like a slug to me, especially after getting out of a Peterbilt with a 550 Cat with an 18 speed. When Jeff traded it for a T800 it was on it's 3rd. turbo, only had 400 and some thousand miles on it. For the "best" truck, it was one of the most comfortable trucks I drove. It rode great, drove great, and was one of the best insulated- no, that's wrong, it was THE best insulated truck I ever drove. Unless it was under 20 degrees I could turn it off in winter and sleep comfortably. It had 3 way power mirrors that went up and down, not just in and out. I often said that if it had had the running gear that the T800 that I got after the T660 it would have been the cat's ass. This is the T800 Jeff traded it for, it was a great truck. 500 ISX Cummins, 18 speed, 3.55 rears. I had no complaints about this one. This is the 2nd. T800 Jeff bought, I was driving this when I retired. It had a 500 HP X15 Cummins engine, 18 speed, 3.55 rears too. Identical to the first one except for the external breathers. And both of those 500hp Cummins engines would out pull the 550 Cat, easily. Same transmission, same rears.
  13. Yep!
  14. My oldest will be 48 in August. I haven't seen or heard from him for several years, he shuns the whole family and nobody knows why.
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