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other dog

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other dog last won the day on January 30

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About other dog

  • Birthday 04/05/1956


  • Location
    Spout Spring,Va.

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  • My Truck
    1963 V190 International with integral sleeper cab
  • Interests
    antique trucks and photos,I'm a member of the ATHS,ATCA,and subscribe to every antique truck magazine I know of-Wheels of Time,Old Time Trucks,Shifting Gears,Double Clutch,National Geographic
  • Gender

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Hello Sir. I am looking at a B 53 over here in S.W. and noticed you had one. By chance was this one of the trucks that came out of the large Roanoke, Va fleet sold off about 20 years ago? Wherever yours came from, it is great to see it has survived with its original equipment. My prospect became a spreader truck many years ago. 

    1. other dog

      other dog

      yes, probably. It came from a company called "Concrete Ready Mix" and they had a bunch of B models. They sold out to another company and the new owners got rid of them, thinking they couldn't get anybody to drive equipment that old, and they were probably right.

      I sold it several years ago- too cheap- to a man in Kentucky, and the first thing he did was take the mixer off. People had told me that's what I should do, and I always said "then it would just be another B model, everybody has one of them- but nobody has a B model mixer".

    2. a game

      a game

      Thanks for the reply.  A buddy of mine has one of their B's which he converted in to a dump that he uses to this day. Nice truck. I have whats left of one of their 431 powered A's.

      I hope Mr. Kentucky at least kept the mixer. The old chain drives are rare in any shape. Take care.

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