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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. So, I was just thinking- I've been sick since we got back from Macungie. Really sick, not just "I don't feel too good" sick. So sick I hardly had the strength to get from the bathroom back to the bed. So sick I lost about 30 lbs. On 2 different occasions I was sweating so much that I just soaked the pillow and bed clothes in a matter of minutes. I'm finally started to get better now, but it's been almost 3 weeks now. For 2 weeks I didn't know anything, I was just completely out of it. And Zina was sick too, but she never even missed a single day from work. I thought it went easier on her because she had been vaccinated. She had to get vaccinated to be able to visit her mother in the nursing home when she was still in Florida. But- my sister-in-law, my wife who passed away in 2005's sister, whom I'm still friends with, has gotten the COVID vaccine and every supplemental vaccine they've come out with ever since, and she's been battling COVID for 2 weeks now, and it's the 3rd. time she's had it! So what does that tell us?..well, I don't know, but apparently the COVID vaccine doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
  2. I'm not like that anymore. I've been sick as a dog for going on 3 weeks now. I mean I was sick, too weak to do much of anything. However, I did feel good enough yesterday to run over to the Piggly Wiggly in Winfall to get some Alka seltzer Plus. I saw this girl in there and she asked me if I could help her find the bread aisle. I told her "no" and kept right on going to the Alka Seltzer aisle.
  3. No, I didn't know that but it doesn't surprise me. Zina got 2 tests but I didn't take one. I told her I knew if I got hit by a bus walking to the mail box a COVID test would come back positive. I know I've felt about as bad as I've ever felt before, but hopefully I turned the corner last night...I went to bed about 8 last night, got up around 10 to go to the bathroom and I was so weak I nearly collapsed trying to get back to bed. Sweat was just pouring off me, but I hope that was the low point. I feel a little better now, but I'm still very weak.
  4. What this is is a COVID test. And it's showing a positive reading too. As I might have mentioned Zina and me have both felt like crap since we got back from Macungie.
  5. One of my favorite summer songs!
  6. Same here, 90's every day, no rain in sight!
  7. Yes sir, it belongs to the Keystone Antique Truck and Tractor Museum now. They still have his name on the door though.
  8. https://photos.app.goo.gl/ho4Pdrf2x9KosKNr7
  9. here's my Macungie pictures.
  10. Here's a link to the rest of the pictures I took.
  11. With walking and looking for a lost dog in Connecticut for 3 hours and 3 days in Macungie walking around I'd say I walked more last week than I have in the last 6 months!
  12. Yes, we had 3 dogs and they're a hand full, no doubt. Good thing Vicki from Florida is there to help us, so we can each have a dog. It's hard to take pictures walking around with a dog in one hand, a drink in one hand, a hot dog in another hand, and a camera.
  13. Here's the picture taken with the camera. Here's a couple more-
  14. The funny- not funny "ha-ha", funny weird- thing is that some people insist that he's doing great, I've even heard people say "best president ever", they're going to vote for him and Trump is the one who belongs in jail. I'm wondering how can anybody actually believe that? Or DO they actually believe that, or do they just think it's the thing to say and they know he's really the worst president ever. I have to believe it's the latter, I hate to think that there's THAT many people out there who are THAT stupid.
  15. I probably mentioned this before, but the first time Zina from Spout Spring, formerly known as Zina from Gladys, form- anyway, the first time she went she said "this is great- I'm coming back next year, whether you do or not!"...true story.
  16. I saw the truck but I didn't see him.
  17. We got up at 4am to take Vicki from Florida to the airport and her flight is delayed until noon. I'm going to try to go back to sleep. Walked the dogs and now I'm wide awake.
  18. Nice looking Mack leaving Macungie. It has a 6-71 Detroit Diesel engine in it. PXL_20240615_183351906.TS~2.mp4
  19. I didn't do it, Hippy was the brains behind this idea!
  20. Here's the picture- got more on the camera that may or may not be better, this is a phone pic.
  21. The noon photo- We also saw a BMT superstar, the legendary Jim Hancock, but he missed the picture. It was sure nice to see him again though, great guy.
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