You know Mike, my first impulse was to say "F*@# Hat City, he'll get over it!"...jokingly of course. But - maybe not, maybe i'll say something sentimental instead. I wanted to go to Macungie this year, and I would have if O.D. had been taken care of, but the main- well, a big part of the reason,maybe not the main reason, was because I knew Ed was gonna be there. So F*@# you instead, for being mean to Ed. I'm joking again, can't seem to help myself!
All joking aside- no, seriously this time- you're a big man to say that Mike. There's a bunch that's been here a long time, and while we may disagree at times, I still feel like old friends with most of you, and even though i've only met a few members, every one i've ever met i'd consider a fine example of a human being- well, except may that asshole nocluejoe- but I've been an asshole many times to many people, and i'm sorry for it now, but the fact is- all of us are human beans, we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect, the good people acknowlege their mistakes, we all move on- kind of like family.