All the rivets in my tool box door broke last summer, so I got a cordless drill and some screws and fixed it myself in the parking lot at the shop. It only had four rivets in it to begin with. I put six screws in it- The other day I opened the tool box on the headache rack and it almost came off in my hand- only the top rivet was holding the door to the hinge. They fixed it at the shop though- put all of two screws in it. They were supposed to have fixed this one too, all the rivets have come loose, but I guess they figured it didn't need more fixing- I already had a rubber strap on it. I guess the road bounce and vibration breaks the rivets, this door on the passenger side tool box rarely gets opened. I went down to Dillwyn with a van today, picked up a load of Kyanite going to Chester, W.V. Leaving the Mullite plant a big cloud of dust.