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other dog

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Everything posted by other dog

  1. I like when he grabbed the dog and flung him into the water.
  2. I looked on google earth too, and saw the beach that girl was sitting on, the ferry, and the ice crossing. Neat stuff.
  3. Geez, is that all you ever think about?..here they are- poorly photochopped wimmens of Siberia.
  4. I see a few MHs around. There's one sitting in Roanoke, the one in Indiana,Pa, and a beautiful red-ish, orange-ish, striped, chromed one that sits at a trucking company on U.S.40 not far from Keysers Ridge,Md. If you took 40 west towards Uniontown from I-68 it's on the left just a little ways after you cross the Pa. line. I've never been able to get a picture of it, it's usually parked way back off the road.
  5. Works great, that's all you have to do. And i'm always looking for U models and half nekkid wimmens. Don't see many U models though.
  6. ""said randyp.
  7. Thanks Vlad, that was a great experience going on that adventure with you, nice pictures. "After 2 hours of work we had all the crap in."- you sound like a true trucker!
  8. I don't like city traffic either, i'd rather be going up a hill or down a hill in the woods somewhere. About the only good thing about the city is you occasionally see girls in cars at stop lights. Great pictures!
  9. It's a Suzuki. Here's a bigger blurry view. I already deleted the original of the clear one.
  10. That's great Paul, we were worried about you. I called Ken last week to ask if he knew anything. Hope your wife is all well. You didn't miss anything here, no knew posts or pictures in the last...oh, month or so probably.
  11. Mine has an alternator and it's positive ground. I had to put an alternator on it a few years ago and got a rebuilt positive ground one from a place in Roanoke for about $120.
  12. Looks like it should be, it has the lights, wipers,everything you need. I think it has tags on it now, but i'm not sure.
  13. I bought a couple dozen ears in Newcomerstown, Ohio last year and froze it in the shucks. My ma said that was the best way to do it, instead of shucking and blanching it first. I just cut the ends off, stick it in a freezer bag, and throw it in the freezer. We had the last of it just a couple of weeks ago and it tasted like it just came out of the garden.
  14. I got a few photographs this week. Got to go home last night- I unloaded some roll-off bodies in Richmond yesterday morning, then picked up a load of pallets in Ashland and took them to Lynchburg. The poison 'shroom has opened up! A girl in a car. I like this little truck in Quinwood,W.V. Lots of apples in Quinwood too. 3 girls, one bike. I'm still trying to get a good picture of the engine in this car, but not having much luck with it. Gee, leaves are already turning. Last winter dragged on and on, but summer just flies by. Another girl in another car. Saw the Ford with a load of wood again. Saw the big Mack truck with a load of wood again. Then I saw another Ford with another load of wood. And another girl in another car. Followed a big green machine for a while. Saw a girl beside a car, getting gas in the pouring rain. Saw this cabover Freightliner truck. uhhhh...nice stacks. Bought some corn in Pa. to put in the deep freeze. ...along with these peppers I picked when I got home. I was wrong about the peppers before. I did find the little plastic tag under the plants and apparently the little red ones that I thought were Tabascos are Dragon Cayennes, and the little green ones that I didn't know about are actually the Tabascos. Glad that's all cleared up,eh?
  15. My brain is starting to hurt too. I'm gonna go post pictures of the week that require no thinking. With brief descriptions, because everybody has seen a girl in a car before.
  16. You are correct- it's all about the money.
  17. These are some I had saved on the computer, came from somewhere on the interweb. This one is from Australia. These colorful units are apparently from Marietta. I know nothing...
  18. A few B models i've seen. This one was in S.C. I believe. This was for sale in Fairmont,W.V.for a long time. This one is still sitting on rt.422 just east of New Castle,Pa.
  19. I only drove a dump truck with an 8LL, hauling dirt at the shop when we had to biggerize the driveway. That was for about half a day, and about a 300 yard haul. I never drove a 15 speed deep reduction.
  20. It's like a science fiction movie around here- mushrooms all over. Check out this huge specimen- These are pretty big too. ...and this one is pretty, but EM6285 said "red screams poison". Then I saw 18,335,863 little baby spiders on the side of the house...they're history now. Then I saw the two biggest, nastiest looking slugs i've ever seen. But, for binness as usual around here, I cut the grass this morning, then helped my next door neighbor move this evening. I saw these peppers growing- these are some I planted when I pulled the cabbage up that the cabbage worms destroyed. Don't remember what kind they are, but there's lots of them on the plant, lots of buds, and it's still blooming, so I should get a lot of peppers off it. . These are the Tabascos, I pick them as they turn red. Bananner and tabasco peppers i'm about to put in the freezer. I bet that little tabasco is the hottest one ever. Cantaloupe that came up volunteer in the garden. The wise old owl.
  21. That's me, i've only heard of "cheater gear" in 9 and 13 speeds,only tried it a time or two.
  22. Mushrooms everywhere!

  23. Dammit! I've been under surveillance by aliens all this time and was too stupid to realize it! I'm gonna get the ax and chop it down tomorrow...first i'll throw a piece of tin foil over it tonight, so I can sneak up on it.
  24. Here's another old store. It's facing rt. 60 in Mount Rush, Va. Never open that I remember, but I remember my wife saying she had been in it when she was little. I saw this odd shaped mushroom in the yard last weekend. By the time I got home today it had turned from a mushroom head to a saucerhead. Just who comes up with these road names anyway? Trucks in the field. Truck by the road. Pretty neat looking little unit. I tried to get another picture of the car for sale in Canvas, W.V. but I accidently hit the button before I was close enough. There's Wooly Booger in front of me with another load of lumber. A girl in a car. Saw a big Mack truck with a load of pulpwood. Saw another big Mack truck with another load of pulpwood. But this Ford had them both beat- now that's a load of wood! Saw some big bad machines. And some big yellow machines way over there. And a Marmon, I saw a Marmon.
  25. Todd and Jeff Moore drove all the way to Evans City to go to court, I parked the truck at a rest area on 79 and rode with them. Long story short, after the main defense argument failed, Todd told them he was looking for any leniency he could get, and they reduced the fine from $6,357.00 to $1,800 and something. So it was well worth a 400 mile drive in the Navigator to save $4,000.
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