But seriously, i'd say that stew pot was one of the best investments I ever made. It holds 30 quarts, not enough for most events or fund raisers where there's tons of peoples, but for family and friend get togethers it holds more than enough, we've never emptied the pot. Well, there was that one time when I made stew at the shop and it got emptied, but that was a lot of hungry truck drivers. I like to make it, not bragging but lots of folks have said it was the best stew they ever had. I use a 5lb. bag of potatoes, 3lb. bag of onions, this one had 13lbs. of whole sirloin tip in it, plus tomatoes, green beans, peas, corn, butter beans, worcestershire sauce, seasoning,and a stick of Land-O-Lakes real butter. Everybody left here full and carrying quart jars of stew with them.