Here's my thoughts- you could hardly go wrong if you can get it for $1,000. It looks to be in pretty good shape, the seller seems to be honest in his description, but more pictures would be nice. You'll spend some money on it, but I doubt you'll find one cheaper to start with. Here's some pictures out of a photo album of a couple I looked at before I bought the mixer. The owner was asking $1,000 for the lime green one with no hood. There was a lot of rust around the bottom of the cab, but it had good tires and good glass. There was an exact mate to it, out of the same fleet, bought at the same auction, in Amherst,Va. for $1,200. It had no glass in it and bald tires. I thought about buying both to make one. It was really what I wanted, single axle/duplex, but then I found the mixer at a good price- I figured i'd end up spending what I paid for the mixer to get one of the B-61s roadworthy. I looked at the other one after i'd already bought the mixer, or I might have bought it. The owner wanted $3,500 for it. He used to work for Mack, and when I was about to ask him what was the least he would take he said "I'll tell you one thing, they aren't making any more of them." And that's true, so I thought it would be a waste of time to even ask. So even if the engine was no good, which probably isn't the case, it looks like a pretty good deal to me.