I was feeling your pain Mark, until Randy made me laugh!Seriously, what a f#**ing idiot this guy must be (not randyp,I mean the dispatcher). 41Chevy is right, that's the only way it could be done. That's the dumbest stuff i've ever seen,5 stops in 2 hours? 7 stops in 3 hours? Bay City to Traverse City in 30 minutes?..well, that might be doable, I think it's only about 125 or 130 miles across there. But you could barely get 5 stops off in 2 hours in Gladys,Va. where there's no traffic, if you had to go to 5 different places,open doors,back to a dock,wait for some hateful a-holes to get around to unloading their shit they ordered but now seem to have never heard of,unload,get paperwork signed,pull out, close doors,go to next stop and repeat the process. Tell them to use full power on the bitch slapping beam randyp. Here's a picture of a girl in a car Mark,you deserve something good after all that fuster-cluck!