Got the new Double Clutch magazine today. It's a great magazine- and unlike some other antique truck groups, who seem as stuck-up as...well, never mind that- all the people involved in the ATCA just seem like regular folks. The kind of people you could just enjoy talking to without you thinking that they're thinking "geez, what an a-hole i'm talking to-does he think I really care about his thoughts?.. we should raise our dues..wish he'd tee time is in 40 minutes...". In other words, they're people like us, who just like old trucks,and trucks in general. Had a ballot in this issue to vote for the board of directors, and a brief summary of everyones views and why you should vote for them. You could vote for up to 8 people, but I only voted for 7. Doug Maney was 4 of them, I just put x4 by his name. Just joking, but the ATCA is still a great organization, and Double Clutch is a great magazine too. Just my opinion.