It really sucks! That's been the speed limit down that mountain since the 70's, kinda made sense then but not now. Back then there was no bypass around Uniontown, you had to go thru Hopwood, and nobody had an engine brake. Now there's both. When I unload in Oakland, Md. and have to go to Pittsburgh to load I go down that sumbitch 10 mph. The Pa. DOT nabbed me once about 20 years ago-I was empty- doing 17 mph, and it cost me hundreds of dollars. The DOT man said "the sign at the top says you have to use the lowest gear you've got!" I was driving a T800 KW with a 444 Cummins,18 spd. at the time. I told him '' if I did that I wouldn't get here until tomorrow". He said "I don't care, that's what you're supposed to do!" That's when I realized safety had nothing to do with it, it's all about the money.