I might ride over to Gladys today in the car- you know, the car that I just put a $205 battery in yesterday. Couldn't believe a car battery was $200- to get my computer. Can't wait to get the rest of the Macungie pictures posted. I hooked my "backup" camera, the Lumix, to the TV yesterday and the pictures looked great on the big screen. It's huge to me, a 40-something inch screen I'm sure, but not big enough for Zina. She got a 58" screen TV that was on sale a few weeks ago. And it didn't cost much more than a car battery.
I won't drive the pickup because it's supposed to rain all day, like yesterday and tomorrow. We were planning to go get the bed first thing when we got back, but the rain kind of messed that plan up. We're still sleeping on the couch and an air mattress.
I tried to hook the Nikon camera to the TV too, which was no problem, just plug it in the USB port, but I never could get the pictures to show. It takes much better pictures than the Lumix camera. I tried out a new lens for the first time too, I usually used an 18-55 mm lens, but I bought an 18-140mm that gives me a lot more zoom capability.
I think I have 200+ pictures on both cameras. I only took the Lumix Thursday because we just thought we'd stop by for a few minutes and we ended up staying all day and the trucks were steadily rolling in.