This turned out to be the best advice. Had her just long enough to get good and and attached, but the puppy died yesterday. She seemed to be getting better every day we had her. Jo called me yesterday crying and told me she had died. She was feeding it every couple of hours and wrote down what time she ate and how much each time. She said it started crying so she picked it up and it was squirming so much she didn't have enough hands to hold her. She thought it was just hungry so she put it back on her blanket and put it's bottle in some warm water. The pup then scratched it's ear with it's hind leg, just like a big dog does- never done that before. Then she said it sat up with it's mouth open and was trying to breathe through it's mouth- and died. If I knew then what I know now i'd have taken it to the vet last weekend- maybe they'd have found something, you never know. She must have had some internal injury from being dropped, but it was eating good, pooping, peeing, seemingly getting stronger all the time. I buried her in the back yard when I got home today.