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  1. I've bought both a truck and a dump trailer from him. He's more $$$ than anybody else, but he had what I wanted. A lot of the stuff on his lot comes from Ritchie Bros, so search their auction history and see if you can find that truck.
  2. RSD501

    Work boots

    953s are my daily work wear. I'm 3 years into my current pair, need to order new ones for the spring. The redwing shop doesn't stock them, they have to order them in. I got a pair of lined, but not insulated, loggers for the snow. Not really a fan, I don't care for the lining, but I thought it would keep my feet dry. It only does for about an hour.
  3. I have seen this guy a couple of times. Finally got a picture.
  4. There's a little more to it than just letting girls join. I am a Den Leader for a Bear den, 3rd grade boys. Scouting promotes an inclusive attitude, allowing siblings and parents to join on all adventures. We have two girls, one is my daughter, that tag along on every adventure. They dislike the girl scout program because it doesn't focus on outdoors, or have a very regimented structure like cub scouts. We also have a few single mothers that bring their sons to all of the scout campouts, and they set a great example for the young girls that participate. Do I think it's kinda weird that girls could officially join cub scouts? Yes. Would I ever judge, shame, or ridicule a woman or girl for wanting to participate in the scouting program? Absolutely not! It's a great program, and if girls want to learn what Scouts have to offer, we should be happy for them. My daughter is my fearless sidekick, and I will help her realize any dream that she has.
  5. I love RBs. Worked at a place that had a 91, 300 6spd. It was a really nice driving truck, and I always thought the angled hood looked sharp. Theres still a few around here, all aluminum. KTSI just had 1 for sale at their yard.
  6. Yup!! It looked really pretty going down the road
  7. I think thats the same titan thats on CL https://chicago.craigslist.org/wcl/hvo/d/hooklift-2010-mack-titan/6300563737.html Anybody else see the maroon cabover pulling a tanker, its old, maybe from the 60's?? I saw it on 294, heading north by ohare, but couldnt make out what make, only maroon and old, and a daycab
  8. Not quite Chicago, but I saw this truck while in Kenosha. They still run a lot of Mack in their municipal fleet.
  9. Just had an oil sample come back water contamination but it was not at all visible looking at the oil. Turned out to be the air compressor. Dirtymilkman gave solid advice, send a sample out to eliminate any doubt. Good luck
  10. My RW had a similar issue. The injector pump has a splined shaft that the throttle linkage connects to. The splines are worn off, and the throttle linkage would work as it should, but it would just spin on the the shaft coming out of the injector pump. Truck would rev up all the way with no load, but was a complete dog under load.
  11. That's the same truck. Petersen still has it, but the made a water tank for their roll off truck. The B doesn't see much use these days. The old DBC pics are pretty cool, I think that was right around when the truck painted.
  12. I was loading trucks the other day, and grabbed a couple quick pictures. The Bottomline truck is always kept pretty clean. And my RW was on the run too, and she still hangs in there.
  13. Some guys swear by using vegetable oil. I mixed calcium chloride with RV antifreeze, that worked well on loads that couldn't smell. we use diesel unless the load will be sniffed.
  14. Around here, it seems like nobody dims their high beams anymore. Driving to work in the morning, it seems like 1 out of 10 cars is driving around with the brights on.
  15. Brites keeps their trucks looking good. Glad your posting again PeterMack, this thread was slow without you!
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