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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. His name is HarryS , if you search you'll find him. I don't know if he finished the electric conversion.
  2. My truck had a valve on the inlet side of the fuel pump that had a cable hooked to it, maybe your truck had the same thing. The valve could be an emergency shutoff in case the regular shutoff doesn't work.
  3. Mean Green, do you have photos of your avatar truck on here? Judging by that little picture, it's a nice looking truck.
  4. Says it's genuine Mack, located in Arkansas. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285023338223?hash=item425cb6feef:g:yEIAAOSwOcRjYYUQ&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoF8RmYxZEXa7J20sCnif%2BPjnl%2FB0bDno4vwqdT3zNWLwuB2MjLsBVL00wVvgqBA5nJMtEiylwCfXUi5lsy6eVGOIx29ePV2C6ERAImwjWBopVFmfavW6C1gIzP%2Fbwsje9%2Fe%2Bg55fynJcoEnliVoKR%2FlyHi%2FZ7r2reL1tRlUjMoCHkf1Fbs9cXcNubsrE5BpExS%2FX%2BGLIwx8rfAtv8ff40O4%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6aVvPWpYQ
  5. Could be a nice truck but quite a bit of rust for $20k asking price. Former fire truck located in Pemberton NJ. https://www.ebay.com/itm/185712212701?autorefresh=true
  6. "I'm gonna barbecue your a**!"
  7. I'm doing the same thing with my E brake handle, putting it back just for looks.
  8. GMC....General Mack Corp.?
  9. Those copper lines look more original, and besides they look nicer than plastic.
  10. Well, I finally got all the parts for the front end cleaned, repaired, bought, painted, made, etc. I have to say a big thank you to John Chalmers, he sold me the Mack logo, H67 logo, and the parking lights.
  11. I have an R G Smith truck, but different R G Smith!
  12. When I was a kid, I helped work on my Dad's trucks. The memories I have are priceless, I think your helper will have the same feelings when he's an adult.
  13. Superdog posted this V8 beast back in 2012. U773T with an 8V-71
  14. I'd sure like to hear a Hall-Scott in person!
  15. On ebay, it needs a lot of work but looks solid. Too bad they rebuilt the engine and transmission, then let the thing sit. https://www.ebay.com/itm/295377358393?hash=item44c5dcce39:g:RLAAAOSwRl5jhjVE&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoDQ8c8Sr9NGhaavKILXLXCGDTRTvMV9M34WlrE5DrSxmupUV9gSLdVOk99U07uv14FzyHdbNBe3Qi%2B4kP8QyBcBJnx1L0o5dF2VwDKWHDxRWaqAvY%2BE1ZA0xLgE1PDwLs%2FzKFL5KfrBFYGeBq43bZmqBGbAaC2iagWUX29O75%2B%2B4hnuZ4ApcO80Wd6KfGVpoXmdetRnURw2wO%2FuifazDOSc%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-bkwrSZYQ
  16. I got to looking at one of the caps; the large cone-looking thing on the left will let excess pressure out, while the small hole to the upper right has a ball and spring that will let air suck in when needed. I'm going to run without an additional vent for now and see if I run into any problems with it.
  17. I scraped and wire brushed mine, then sprayed mineral spirits all over it and steam cleaned it thoroughly. If you have access to a steam cleaner, they will really get an engine clean. I used Nason epoxy primer and Ful-thane single stage auto paint; I haven't driven the truck yet so who knows how long the paint will hold up. It would be better to paint it out of the chassis but if you don't need to pull the engine then do the next best thing.
  18. My memory is fuzzy on that, but I believe that's from the bottom.
  19. When I've had a stuck clutch before, I just drive the truck down the road as usual but with the clutch pushed down. Eventually the disc will pop loose. Especially if you goose the throttle here and there to put a little jolt on the driveline.
  20. You're right about the guide--my throwout bearing has one.
  21. I took my clutch to my local clutch shop, they had one in stock ('59 673 with TR720). I think it was right at $500 for disc, pressure plate, and throwout bearing.
  22. Do you have a part number for the one you bought?
  23. My H67 has the 34k rears, it had aluminum caps on it. I read that Mack recalled all the aluminum caps in the 70's due to breakage, so I found some steel caps. That would be a real joyride if one of them broke.
  24. h67st

    Shop Talk

    I couldn't log on yesterday. I tried Firefox and Chrome, same problem.
  25. Here's a question--I bought new fuel tanks and vented caps. Do I need separate vents for the tanks, or will the vented caps do the job?
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