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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. 🙃
  2. I'm with Joey...make sure both the air side and inside of the radiator are clean. He's got some good ideas about the water pump, tstat, etc.
  3. The guy that sold me the Brockway also has this White for sale--$2,500. It looks very complete and not in too bad shape; it's been sitting for about 6 years. The owner passed away so no background info and no title. I will be up there on July 22 if anyone wants me to look at particulars. PM me if you are interested in buying (note that says interested in buying).
  4. That neon on the back is pretty cool.
  5. I'm with mechohaulic...try a good battery. Clean up the contacts on the rotors and caps; if you have spark from the coil and good condenser then old cap/rotor will work.
  6. On mine (1959), you turn it counterclockwise about an inch and then lift up. It ain't easy to do, sometimes you have to get creative.
  7. Well, perhaps against my better judgment I'm adding another truck to the stable. This truck doesn't have much rust and it's very complete so I couldn't pass it up. I'm assuming it's a 361TL, can any of you Brockway guys verify that? It's got a Cummins with compression release so possibly a 250. I probably won't do much with it until I get my Mack finished.
  8. That truck is really going to look sharp when you get the rest together.
  9. It's been said on BMT that Mack bought so many gallons (prolly in drums) of green paint and if a guy didn't mix it as well as another guy, that would affect the color. Back then everything was done by hand so there would have to be some difference between trucks in how much paint the guy sprayed.
  10. This place has LED headlights for vintage vehicles that look more like original. https://vintagecarleds.com/7-inch-round-headlights/
  11. Maybe they were pulling the car backwards and the nuts all backed clear off. 😉
  12. For a truck to go 50 years on Aussie roads, that's pretty good!
  13. This guy has a bunch of parts manuals, his prices are pretty good. B, F, H models etc. https://www.ebay.com/itm/134163126037?hash=item1f3cbed715:g:Ay4AAOSw-f5iv1mH
  14. I'm sure glad you saved that C model, too many trucks rust away sitting in the weeds.
  15. On mine it's stamped into the frame rail, on the RHS near the front axle rear spring hanger.
  16. You're right, aren't the windshields shorter on the L model?
  17. Did you buy new glass? I'll be buying new for mine soon if anyone has recommendations.
  18. Nice looking rig! I'll bet some heads turned as you drove that route.
  19. I went to the show Saturday in Ashland Ohio, not nearly as big as Macungie but still a lot of Macks and other trucks there. The weather was nice and cool, but pretty windy. Probably the finest R model I've ever seen: One of the famous tri-drive B models: This one has a Cat in it: Some guy named Fetterly:
  20. Those twin steer units are some big dudes!
  21. Yes, that's the breakover spring.
  22. fjh is right on that one, check that breakover spring first. If that's not the problem you can check his idea about the governor by dropping the front or back of the truck in a low spot so the truck isn't level. If the idle smooths out then the governor is the problem.
  23. I've seen them on ebay, just search for Mack battery box cover. Also PAI sells them.
  24. If that's the same truck, they switched the fronts to budd wheels. Everything else looks the same.
  25. In the last picture it looks like the fenders had some rust in them, looks like you got them straightened up nice!
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