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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Looks great! I see the V8 emblems on it.
  2. In his obituary, it says Mike was in a commercial. If you watch for the Superliner on the racetrack, that's Mike.
  3. The headlight trim panels were hosed, and of course nice ones can't be found. I searched for similar textured metal, but that's not available either. I found onlinemetals.com (Thyssenkrup) had some decent looking textured aluminum so I bought that. A buddy of mine runs a fab shop and he cut them out for me. Turned out nice!
  4. I have an old Overdrive Magazine with an article about Brockway, it shows them building the trucks by hand on the assembly line. Definitely a tough old truck.
  5. I'm very sorry to hear that, he was definitely one of the "elder statesmen" of BMT.
  6. If those trucks were here in Ohio, they'd be rusty rust.
  7. Cool old truck...$6,500. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2476194762511896/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Ae6020877-9fe8-4d53-8e17-7effb451c20d
  8. In Greeneville TN, says the truck runs. $2,000. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/449453736868588/?ref=search&referral_code=marketplace_search&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Ae6020877-9fe8-4d53-8e17-7effb451c20d
  9. I found a use for my old masks. The only thing is, I've got to remember to remove it before I start the truck or else I'll have to get the truck vaccinated.
  10. The H model got $25,000, and the '62 B61 got $19,000.
  11. The truck is in Germantown Ohio, $15,000. Says it's a one owner truck with 211,000 miles on it. No specs on the engine but it looks like a shiny 290 with a Jake brake. https://dayton.craigslist.org/hvo/d/germantown-international-4370-semi-truck/7486771505.html
  12. Did any American trucks have Rolls-Royce engines as an option? I've never heard of one.
  13. h67st

    1960 B61

    $30,000--in Connecticut, says it's been restored. https://aths.org/backlot/137880/1960-b61-mack-truck-restored/connecticut/usa/trucks/
  14. $6,500, located in Mass., 711 engine not running. https://aths.org/backlot/137894/1958-mack-b81/massachusetts/usa/trucks/
  15. I assume you've changed the fuel filters, that would be the first thing. Next would be a problem in the transfer (lift) pump, or sucking air at one of the fuel inlet lines.
  16. h67st

    Shop Talk

    Maybe the camera is so they can post the video on Yewtube if something funny happens while he's trying to change the tire.
  17. That L cab B model looks good...the White looks like it's too rusty.
  18. Nice work, it looks like a factory piece.
  19. I can't take credit for that, I am definitely not a body/paint man. The guy who did the work is an artist.
  20. I found a pair of NOS side dogs, I really like the look!
  21. Museum auction in Forest City NC on May 21st. A nice looking H672T and EH. https://auction.tommackclassics.com/vehicles?q[s][0][name_dir]=lot.asc
  22. This guy has 6 available, $25 each plus shipping. That's pretty cheap, don't ask how much I paid for my H67 emblem. https://www.ebay.com/itm/275291229546?hash=item4018a2cd6a:g:21kAAOSwTZFiajd5
  23. That guy's got a lot of stuff! http://whalenauction.com/?es_feed_target=%2F%2Fwww.GoToAuction.com%2Ffeed%2Fes_c1002.cgi%3Fes_id%3D4318%26id%3D1372472%26feed_type%3D200%26es_cfid%3D7420
  24. The cover calls for a gasket but I've used form-a-gasket before to seal it up, no problem.
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