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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Those rims are interchangeable on the hub, only difference is tube/tubeless. 20" rims look nice on a vintage truck but much harder to find and mount/demount tires. You definitely wouldn't want to put a lot of miles on a truck that has mixed tires like that.
  2. We have a lot of farmers here with R models and Superliners, but I haven't seen any military trucks! Pretty neat.
  3. Yours looks to be around 1-3/4", mine's only 1-1/2". Yours must be a heavier axle.
  4. My '79 GMC K2500 had an add-on fuel tank with no return. You had to make sure there was plenty of room in the factory tank when using the add-on or it would pump gas all over the ground.
  5. What is the diameter of the threads? I have some extras I could measure. Are your springs and cups good?
  6. You could pull the gauge line off where it comes off the turbo, crank the engine with the shutoff pulled and see if oil pumps out.
  7. If you do have a draw on the batteries, the regulator is the most common cause of that.
  8. Right, you have to make sure after soda blasting you wash it down good--just plain water does the job. If you don't, then the paint will peel.
  9. Geoff is right-when I used to work on Cummins, the 855s were over 3,000 lbs.
  10. That B model looks to have a Clariben fiberglass tilt nose, you don't see many of those on this side of the pond.
  11. Here's his obituary. https://www.sandhfuneralservice.com/obituary/Mike-Harbison
  12. We watched High Ballin last night (it's on Tubi right now). Not a real good movie but lots of old trucks so that part was fun. I'd like to know what motor was in the Iron Duke KW, it had a different sound (maybe just an unusual exhaust system). Of course, lots of Jerry Reed music so that part was great. It was filmed in Canada so lots of spread tandems and snow...one mistake is that they would show one scene with lots of snow on the ground, then in the next it was sunny and green.
  13. So if you disconnect the inlet line from the lift pump, do you get fuel there? That would tell you if the problem is in the lift pump or before it.
  14. I can honestly say I've never seen batteries like those before. The one on the left, that's wild how the fill ports are angled and caps are tied together.
  15. No gold watch?
  16. They really need mudflaps on that road!!
  17. The rear wheels on that first Valueliner look unusual...do you know what type they are?
  18. Yeah, I've seen several trucks that had U-bolted fifth wheels where they welded blocks on the frame rails to keep them from shifting back and forth.
  19. That's a steel braid line, very common. I get mine from hosewarehouse.com , they sell by the foot and fittings too. A good choice is Aeroquip FC350; the number after the dash is ID in sixteenths of an inch (-8 is 1/2", etc.). You can go to youtube for videos on how to assemble (outer sleeve is LH thread, hose ends need to be cleaned up).
  20. I had mine rebuilt at Purrformance Diesel in Fredericktown Ohio, they did a great job on it. I believe Complete Diesel in Findlay does pump work as well. You could probably ship yours to them.
  21. What weight oil do Mack transmissions take? My Brockway has a Roadranger and I think it takes 50w, does that sound right?
  22. I worked at Cat in the 80s and 90s, guys who had the old 3406 motors loved them. The later models and E models had a lot of trouble with liner seals and leaking head gaskets so they weren't so well liked.
  23. In WV, asking $75k. It has a 3406 in it, that sounds like a tight fit for a B model. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/572763521898782/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-1425524864764569425"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"7886796598117258350"%2C"top_level_post_id"%3A"7886796598117258350"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A7886796598117258350%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A3%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A7166660313873773304%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.0016637013793012%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A4032%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"8025655377529379\"%3A3528%2C\"8194157327272465\"%3A3547%2C\"8524020040966163\"%3A805%2C\"27253829680883071\"%3A3070%2C\"8339961622722310\"%3A3001%2C\"8601459886550160\"%3A3070}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-1425525414400347760"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"15160377397452453"}
  24. I'm very happy now, I have a legal title for this truck! After 2 years of phone calls, letters, emails, and waiting. The owner died in 2021 and his heirs didn't want to mess with the truck (he left a lot of vehicles and stuff to sell or dispose of). They had their hands full and didn't want to go through the hassle of getting the probate court to issue a new title. In Ohio you can apply for a court-ordered title; basically a judge looks at your evidence and if they feel you are the rightful owner, they give you a clear title.
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