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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Yes, I'll take steam over sandblast any day.
  2. 2 complete cabs, $6,000 each. Says it's a 1962...pretty wild that they would have a couple of these sitting around that long. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-Truck-Cab-almost-perfect-condition/303763885463
  3. A while back I took the engine outside and steamed it off. I've been taking parts off of it to replace all the gaskets and seals (I got upper and lower gasket kits from Watts); I'm also getting the fuel system gone through and replacing the water pump, compressor, and clutch. Today I steamed the pan, front cover, flywheel housing, and flywheel. Running the steamer is a nasty job but it sure gets things clean.
  4. New cab $4,500. What is an "RD facelift" ? https://www.ebay.com/itm/Rd-Facelift-Mack-Cab/133569344597?hash=item1f195a7455:g:4UAAAOSwnA9fpv2q&autorefresh=true
  5. I believe youse correct...I was looking at the shiny new pressure plate. Vlad's plate looks like it has the spring loaded adjuster bolt.
  6. No, remove the two end bolts and the metal strap, then turn the center bolt to adjust the pressure plate.
  7. It's been sold.
  8. There's a lot of good work done on that truck! I'm in awe of anyone that can build the custom stuff like that.
  9. He was really good in The Untouchables, and I also like Hunt for Red October.
  10. That's really looking good, Dave.
  11. I bought a bulldog on ebay, I didn't know it but it's about half the size of a standard one. I remember guys talking about them on here, what were they used for? As you can see in the photo, it's got a small base on it. I put one of my standard size dogs next to it for scale.
  12. Reading BMT...that's fun, right?
  13. They're asking $12,500...the sheet metal actually looks pretty good for the age. https://zanesville.craigslist.org/hvo/d/junction-city-mack-dump-truck/7222257899.html
  14. They probably say they're not available because their computer doesn't have a picture of it. Your dealer must have parts guys working there.
  15. Yeah, if you could start it up and drive it, it might be worth 5 grand. It looks the rust has rust on it.
  16. Man, that is looking good!!
  17. I never did understand why labor disputes rose to the level of killing or maiming people. That's someone who's got their priorities completely out of whack.
  18. Yes, I'm checking with John right now.
  19. Sweeeeet! (sorry, just couldn't resist)
  20. Yes, there's a thread on this site of him building it.
  21. I'm going to need a full gasket set (not head gaskets, but everything else); does anyone know where to get one? I was hoping to get a decent price (I know, good luck). Also need a water pump and air compressor, I can get these rebuilt but just checking to see if you have any sources for new/rebuilt ones.
  22. Looks to be in pretty decent shape. $1,100 in Weedsport NY. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-Cab-LJ-LJX-B73-B75-B77/124392639442?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  23. The guy who brings this beautiful custom-built miniature Pete to Macungie used a bread truck chassis with a 5.9 Cummins...worked out very well for him.
  24. Someone who used to have LJ rubber parts is John Chalmers in Cashtown PA. (717)334-8709 (let it ring about 10 times).
  25. I like Vlad's answer and dcweasel's reason for the spring. I'm going to look through my repair manual to see if there's anything mentioned about it. The thoughts about starter lube are good--I'll have to keep that in mind when I put the truck together.
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