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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. I didn't purchase from him. He sent me some parts lists about 6 years ago, but I ended up reusing my vent seals.
  2. Pat Walsh Restorations (you can google their website) used to sell reproduction vent seals, but you'd have to check with them. You may need to call your banker first.
  3. He looks like he's pretty serious about getting that done. In my opinion '68 and '69 Chargers had the best body style of any muscle car ever built.
  4. 1926...you don't see many tank trailers that old!! In fact, not many of any kind of trailer.
  5. I don't know if this diagram looks like your Maxitorque, but as you can see there's a magnetic plug (some have them on both sides) and a filler plug. Also you can go to the link below for a maintenance manual for the TRL1076: https://www.progearandtransmission.com/Mack-Maxitorque-Transmission-TRL1076-Manual.pdf
  6. The only time I ever saw a problem with tube type, the truck sat for years and the inside rim got almost rusted through. When the guy started loosening the nuts the rest of the rim let go and sent shrapnel everywhere.
  7. Since we have global warming that Al Gore invented, tires get aged quicker in the hot sun.
  8. For a running, driving H63 you shouldn't have much trouble getting that price. Usually these are rusted to bits or else restored and muy dinero (Herb Tarlek,WKRP in Cincinnati).
  9. I don't think I've ever seen NOS fenders for sale, bid starts at $1,500 but if you're doing a full restoration that would be reasonable. https://www.ebay.com/itm/126594812155?itmmeta=01J473AZT2JCJP609PRFH0393A&hash=item1d79a388fb:g:B6IAAOSwEz9mc0rH
  10. That's probably the worst tire I've seen in my life.
  11. Fantastic!
  12. If they replaced the quick release because it was leaking, it's probably a shaft seal on one of the maxi chambers.
  13. Pretty neat model, almost 3 feet long. Not sure I'd pay $5 grand for it though. https://www.ebay.com/itm/387240342533?itmmeta=01J3VBPEXTAWG2QRYXKMEKNEK6&hash=item5a2952b405:g:zw4AAOSwxHNmpGUu&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAAwHWavfU%2BXcU8vYWBHj46Zsb3pNoCOl9%2BQYQ9409ND2LUvc0QSt4M2Udqpiz5B6xKr7UaspEKZZlvSPaxI4yn1nhrFVBZstx1%2FS2sBvQdatOuTKrh%2BbAx8IUHY1Em9JLvC0vR6D%2BXLWdDDXtKO%2BFgO9Mm8h19epAnTnz81CPSBpIHyE4trLXwCXIFkNMt3Yotv72NrjKMO8jfkUwuoxb3ivE9zRuatVNWzM1%2B8ojlF1NLXODTW4TcSlUJXLBWNUhUFw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5Lv2eueZA
  14. One thing I've done in the past is to bring the machine outside and wash it, then take pictures in the sunlight. If people see it cleaned up they may be more interested.
  15. I haven't seen many FL700L's in that nice condition, you've got a real nice truck there. Having a nice straight factory bumper is super rare! When I worked on trucks, they always made us put a chain on the cab if we were taking it over center. We never had one try to let go, but I know it happens (like yours).
  16. Maybe the rust is antique so it's more valuable than regular rust.
  17. I need to hire those guys...I've had an H67 for sale at $1,500 and it's in better shape than that one. No buyers yet.
  18. If those old steers are cracked, I would definitely go with 22.5.
  19. Mack 400 red crosses over to Axalta 77968 (they can also mix Nason to this number). PPG code is 70094.
  20. You can't pull the pump with the radiator in? On my H model you can. Some trucks you can unbolt the fan shroud (if you have one) and lay it back on the front of the engine which makes it easier to pull the fan/pump.
  21. In the old days of trailers using air pressure to hold the single-stage chambers as a parking brake, when we would hook to a trailer with no air and charge the parking gladhand, the parking brake would set momentarily until the trailer tank got enough air in it. A lot of our drivers almost got into trouble thinking that they would stay set but then they released. My dad had some old trucks in the early 70's, he had his mechanic convert them to spring brakes but there was a steep learning curve after that. Me and my dad stopped at a truck stop in 1975 somewhere around Kentucky that had a steep parking lot; we got out and headed up the hill to get lunch. When we got to the building, there was this old guy sweeping the drive and he said, "Mister, your truck's rolling away". My dad ran after it but the trailer jackknifed and thankfully the landing gear leg hit the fuel tank so the cab didn't get smashed. After that my dad made sure to set both buttons when he got out!
  22. I've heard other Macks with that chop. My H model will do that and I have to let up/push down to smooth it out, but that doesn't always get rid of it. I wish I had an answer for you.
  23. If you're just going to bobtail or run light, you can install 2024 chambers on a lot of these old trucks. My H model has the SWDL56 (IIRC) rear bogie; it used to have rotochambers next to the frame rail: I "clocked" them one bolt hole to get the chambers below the frame rail. The chambers are very close to the rims because I have 10:00-20 tires; if you are running 22.5 or if you have 22" hubs then this won't be an issue.
  24. "made a but couple"? I'm not going to ask.
  25. h67st

    G Model

    This one's in really tough shape. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2274492759576675/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_general&referral_story_type=general&tracking={"qid"%3A"-1704971652378521177"%2C"mf_story_key"%3A"6020838158107090201"%2C"top_level_post_id"%3A"6020838158107090201"%2C"commerce_rank_obj"%3A"{\"target_id\"%3A6020838158107090201%2C\"target_type\"%3A6%2C\"primary_position\"%3A13%2C\"ranking_signature\"%3A4756302300322658839%2C\"commerce_channel\"%3A501%2C\"value\"%3A0.0001567341327757%2C\"upsell_type\"%3A3523%2C\"candidate_retrieval_source_map\"%3A{\"7210349879000622\"%3A701%2C\"8129131950512790\"%3A701}%2C\"grouping_info\"%3Anull}"%2C"lightning_feed_qid"%3A"-1704986495847326254"%2C"lightning_feed_ranking_signature"%3A"4756302300322658839"}
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