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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Any idea how much? I got a quote of $2,000 to recast my steering wheel.
  2. BTW, that's a nice looking jib you made for your forklift.
  3. If you're using the Cummins they put in Dodge pickups, that's a good motor. 673 is a good motor but it's old technology and some parts are hard to find. There are thousands of B models around, it won't hurt to modify a few of them.
  4. I had this tractor for mowing my field and pulling old Macks around with. I also had an old Bobcat 610, decided to sell these and buy one tractor with a loader so I could free up space in the shop. This is a 1986 Kubota M4050, it has a 48 hp 6 cylinder diesel. The 6 cyl. has a nice sound and it's a lot smoother than the more common 4 cyl. tractors.
  5. It's good that you ask but these days if someone posts a photo on a public web page they'd better figure it's going to get shared around.
  6. The original front diff chewed up a bearing in the top reduction so there was a lot of damage. I bought another diff from Fuzzy Buzzard and it had good bearings.
  7. I'll spray some oil in there; if I drive the truck now and then it will splash gear lube around. The truck sat for probably 35 years so no splash lubrication.
  8. You got to post pictures of the U model!
  9. I went to install my differentials the other day and when I stuck the blow gun back into the axle housings from the center, some rust flakes blew out. I stuck my head down into the center and I could see where the round ends were inserted into the square center tube, leaving gaps at the corners. Over the years of sitting a lot of rust formed. I washed it out thoroughly with diesel fuel and the blow gun...hopefully now I can put those diffs in.
  10. Used to be when you googled a certain model of truck, a lot of photos from Hank's would come up. Now most of the matches are on Pinterest and you have to join the site to look at the large photo.
  11. One of the best-looking B models I've ever seen.
  12. They work so hard in Ausland that 12 months feels like 14.
  13. And if you do pick it up you look around to make sure there's nothing else down there to get while you're there.
  14. h67st

    Battery box

    Why does "Twitter" have "twit" in it?
  15. When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.
  16. You've got 481 posts...to me that qualifies you as a veteran.
  17. I just meant that I wouldn't sell it to someone who just joined the site...believe it or not, there are folks who aren't actually Mack fans that would then put the thing on eBay for $50. You've been on here long enough that I would sell it to you, but Rob put his chip on it already.
  18. I think either an LT or a Super would be a great truck to have.
  19. I bought this for $11.00, I thought that was cheap. Part number 38 MO 329 P1...is that an R fender light? It's NOS, in perfect condition. If anybody on here wants it for $11.00 plus shipping, let me know. This deal is only for veteran BMT members, if you're a newer member sorry about that.
  20. If you look at the cabs, the W71 has a very different cab than the LT. The H is basically the same cab but with a taller windshield.
  21. Actually the H was the cabover version of the LT.
  22. When I worked at Cat we would put Tide laundry powder in the rad with water and run till hot, then drain and flush with plain water.
  23. I thought he was good in Wild Wild West but I especially liked Baa Baa Black Sheep.
  24. Yep...these trucks had been sitting for 20 years, there was no cab floor in either of them. It would have been a massive job to save them.
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