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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. A Mack with Mack graphics on it, kinda neat. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-WINROSS-1-64-Scale-MACK-TRUCKS/283747605658?hash=item4210acdc9a:g:pXsAAOSwuJFeIii9&autorefresh=true
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  2. I saw these for sale on ebay, part number 116QS373P2 and they're 16-5'8" x 9-1/2"...must be for early trucks.
  3. I wanted to replace my hub caps, but I couldn't find new ones. I have an FA511 axle with the threaded caps instead of having 5 or 6 bolts. Thankfully Stemco still makes a window replacement kit (part #359-5999 for 2-3/4" window). My local Advance Auto Parts was able to order the kits for $9.00 each. Also thankfully the screws came out without breaking; using my little impact gun on them helped.
  4. Now you're thinking ahead!
  5. The holes in the front spring hangers for the cab mount bar were pretty wallowed out (aluminum hangers). I found some brass bushings and had the machine shop bore the holes and press the bushings in. Worked out pretty well, total cost around $100.
  6. I've seen some very poor quality stainless over the last few years...mostly on hardware coming from China.
  7. Now that's a truck!!
  8. Maybe the right tank got overfilled at one point ;-)
  9. Ain't working on old trucks fun? You get to correct 50 years of sloppy repair work.
  10. Looks to be in decent shape (except for the hoist). The cab's not rusted out or beat up like most trucks this age. https://columbus.craigslist.org/grd/d/heath-ford-grain-truck/7052718806.html
  11. Lesson 27A: Always use dunnage when dropping a loaded trailer unless it's on a pad designed for such a load.
  12. Those menu prices are crazy! I guess Nascar fans are rich folks.
  13. B67 logo, starting bid $20 seems reasonable. https://www.ebay.com/itm/MACK-TRUCK-B67-SCRIPT-ORNAMENT-EMBLEM-MASCOT-HOT-ROD/324032539475?hash=item4b71d82b53:g:FfEAAOSwqXxdGQjE
  14. The Swift letters are sideways!! Maybe they should put them on so you can read them when it's laying down.
  15. We gotta see some photos!
  16. That sugar mill is fantastic! I rode around Indianapolis Motor Speedway in a tour van when I was a kid, it felt like the thing was going to tip over because of the steep banks.
  17. You know, it's that helpful caring attitude that makes it all worthwhile.
  18. Put it back on its wheels.
  19. Is the bumper jack to keep from flat spotting the tires?
  20. On my H model the valve threads right into the bottom of the horn. Yours looks like a dual horn setup.
  21. You're right on the 2,000 to 2,400 lbs. number.
  22. I'm positive that red one is a negative ground.
  23. Looks like vacuuming ballast off a roof...that sure is a noisy job.
  24. Sucking air at a fuel line? Plugged filter or clogged line?
  25. Was he still carrying when the Sears catalog went by the wayside? I can't imagine carrying a bag full of those things.
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