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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Yes! Pix!
  2. Located in Nebraska. Pretty crazy rear suspension...looks like it has a turntable on the tandems. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1956-F-6-5000-GAL-ALUMINUM-TANKER-RANCH-FARM-RESTORE-COE-FORD-CHEVY-MACK-DODGE/264564846371?hash=item3d994b2f23:g:d3kAAOSwGzNd8mzU&autorefresh=true
  3. Fred is going to sell me the rear cutoff from one of his B models...it's got spiders and a few other parts I can use. We've been trying to mesh our schedules to get the thing drug out of the weeds. Thank you Rob--there's a guy down the road from me that has the cutoff mentioned above.
  4. Don't know what these are worth (or if they are available any more). Starting bid $225. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-B-67-B-61-Curved-Glass-Rear-Window-Super-Rare-with-Rubber-Seal-Vintage/124007996622?hash=item1cdf73dcce:g:uZkAAOSwNoBduN-~
  5. You just raise the bed and it sets the sign post right in place!
  6. That makes a nice clean look.
  7. What is superannuation...is that like our Social Security?
  8. If there's no space for parking, you could just park it outback. (sorry, I just couldn't resist)
  9. I've never used instagram but I've talked to a lot of people who use it all the time.
  10. Cool! I thought the guy's ears didn't look big.
  11. I found a brake shop in Columbus that still works with the old stuff...they did my front shoes for about $180 which I thought was reasonable. He's very knowledgeable on older truck brakes. Complete Brake (614) 221-4888.
  12. That brings up a good question...what's with all the "kills" in NY and PA? I've heard of several towns with "kill" in the name.
  13. The NY Times called the Cybertruck "pointy". It looks like a space ship.
  14. Interesting to see that set back axle on the brochure...they didn't make many of those.
  15. The angle of the photo makes it look smaller...it's a standard H67 cab. I think the sleeper's around 24" wide.
  16. Yeah--wait till dark and grab a photo of that thing lit up!
  17. Sounds like the truck in the Alan Jackson song Drive!
  18. This is on Facebook Marketplace in Jonesville VA...for some stupid reason FB won't let me pull up a link to the ad. They're asking $2,000 for it; looks pretty rusty.
  19. The building I'm sitting in at this moment was an IH dealer from 1927 to 1959. I don't have any photos except this one...I wish I had some pics of the trucks that were here.
  20. Never get in the way of a man with a saw in each hand.
  21. Some things are definitely better in pairs.
  22. I found this story in an "Over The Road" magazine from 1988 or 89...I really like the photo. Interesting story about why Hennis went bankrupt.
  23. Nice! What does the "gk" mean in rw700gk?
  24. I found the numbers for mine by getting the build sheet from the Mack Museum. Mine has the 34k suspension so it wouldn't work for you. You could also check Stengel Bros. http://www.stengelbros.com/ they have a lot of Mack springs and parts.
  25. So is that a 3 speed with a hi/low stick? Do you shift it like a 10 speed duplex?
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