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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. The poor guy's driving a Shaker and you just pick on him! Tsk tsk. Michael, have you checked for power at the light bulb sockets? If you don't have any front or rear lights your turn signal switch could be bad.
  2. It looks like it's been well taken care of. So many trucks this age are parked in the weeds with mouse nests everywhere.
  3. Of course, Tyrone Malone's classic with wide whites.
  4. Jerry and his group are a great bunch of guys...looks like a nice show!
  5. The flange where the carrier sits on the housing is welded into the housing...I guess it's steel so the threads are strong enough, but the housing is cast iron. The factory didn't get a good weld in one spot so it was leaking gear lube through the missed weld.
  6. Also spray some WD40 or better lube on the jaws before trying the above methods.
  7. I've been trying to get someone to do some welding on my rails and one axle housing, finally got someone to say bring them in. It sure is a slow process to get all the different things taken care of before I can begin reassembly.
  8. Looks like a nice truck....$25k. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1985-Mack-Roll-Back/193105746413?hash=item2cf5ffd9ed:g:TVIAAOSwMSZdf5tU&autorefresh=true
  9. Tom, how much did they charge to do your brake reline?
  10. What a cool place! Can you imagine working on old stuff like that for a living?
  11. Looks pretty nice for $14k.
  12. Where did you get your clutch rebuilt?
  13. I'm no Mack expert but it does sound very much like a governor issue. In case you need it worked on, DaveHummell on this forum was very impressed with Diesel Power Service in Williamsport PA.
  14. You sounded German for a minute there. 😉
  15. I bought an old Empire blast cabinet to clean some parts; I've always seen glass bead used in these. I see some people use garnet but others say it's too dusty and won't recycle as many times as glass bead. Anybody got recommendations on which to use?
  16. Man, that's an old car! Err, oops...sorry! That is a nice car...and Woodferd is a cool name. Interesting how they put dollies under the jack stands, I guess that's so the springs aren't under tension when it's in storage.
  17. Not exactly my cup of tea, but there is quite a bit of engineering and thought in this truck. $40k seems too high. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/washington-court-house-mack-rat-rod/6974227628.html
  18. h67st

    R795 V8

    But if you did that, it would ride smoother!
  19. SCA = Supplemental Coolant Additive. When I worked at Cat in the 90's we had a lot of trucks roll in that didn't get tested regularly and ate pinholes in the liners.
  20. That is one big ole locomotive. I'll bet it's pulled many tons of freight in its day.
  21. Plus one on what AZB says. When I was turning wrenches we ran into some real head scratchers that ended up being bad fuel.
  22. Make coasters out of them?
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