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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. h67st

    1936 Mack

    It's been relisted at $8,500 OBO now.
  2. The ad says they're NOS, although they do have some light scratches and imperfections. https://www.ebay.com/itm/174012261419?ul_noapp=true
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  3. I like those 1/4 round rear windows...I wish mine had those!
  4. That aluminum really burned up. Do you know what caused the fire?
  5. What's a DR?
  6. Pretty clean looking truck, but the ad says one piston is seized. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-1936-truck-flat-bed-with-winch-very-clean/333303060605?hash=item4d9a69187d:g:eOsAAOSw0PtdXZBI
  7. I have a Husky that's real finicky to start when it's warm...cold it starts right up. The auto oiler only works about half the time; I will say the thing will cut really nice.
  8. That is a nice looking KW!
  9. According to Wickerpedia, you're correct. In 1987 they replaced it with the 379.
  10. I like the spray foam in the valve cover oil fill.
  11. So IH didn't make the first Transtar, huh? Interesting.
  12. I was listening to Car Talk and the guys called someone a moron for steering with their knees. I can drive much better with my knees than some of the chuckleheads I see on the road no matter what they steer with.
  13. Don't feel baaaaad.
  14. Photos aren't too good, but it looks clean for $1,500. The ad says it needs a distributator...hmmmm, alrighty then. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Grain-truck/303258108285?hash=item469b97817d:g:LVsAAOSwQ8xdUb9a
  15. The mirror pics actually aren't too bad!
  16. You don't see many MR's at the shows...that's a nice one. The Yoos trucks look fine!
  17. Rugers and Macks...2 quality products.
  18. "U" did a great job on the porch!!
  19. OD told me how to get the captions...just copy the photo you want to use, type the caption, and then hit enter and paste the photo below the caption. If you want the caption below the photo, paste the photo first and then hit enter and type the caption.
  20. h67st

    So True

    My wife says that if I ever leave her, it will probably be for a truck...not for another woman.
  21. Some of us drool on ourselves even if there's not a nice-looking Mack close by.
  22. Must be a tri-steer...looks like a locomotive with all those wheels!!
  23. Here's a pic that was taken in 1942, my grandfather bought Edwards a few years after this was taken. I don't know what model Autocar this is.
  24. I like your wagon work platform...a heck of a lot better than a ladder.
  25. I'm not a huge IH fan but I saw that there's a big show this weekend...August 16-18 at Historic Waco Airfield & Museum in Troy, Ohio. Supposed to be a lot of trucks & tractors there!
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