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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. They call them the greatest generation...it's incredible what those men and women went through to protect freedom.
  2. Nice looking truck...the rear crossmember looks kinda upside-down. https://www.ebay.com/itm/1955-Other-Makes-B30x/133072983226?hash=item1efbc494ba:g:ofEAAOSwi~Jc9T~o
  3. According to his website, he did it in '14, '16, and again right now.
  4. I saw online today this guy, Ivan Stoltzfus, is pulling his camper across the US with a John Deere A (with Peterbilt cab) to thank veterans and raise money to help vets that need help. Interesting tractor!
  5. June 14 & 15 (2 weeks from now).
  6. Thank you all! Fuzzy said Friday is nice because you can watch the trucks roll in off the road. I may end up making it Saturday so I only have to miss one day of work.
  7. I'd like to come to the show, but I can only be there for one day...is Friday a better day, or should I plan on Saturday? The weekend events I've been to before, Saturday is the biggest day but I don't know about Macungie.
  8. I went with Hagerty, they gave me the best price on vintage truck insurance. Of course, I didn't check Grundy.
  9. To all you veterans, thank you for what you've done for the rest of us.
  10. Man, that's a rusty one.
  11. Does it have a front camera so you can see the road?
  12. It's too nice to drive in the mud!
  13. Does Howard still have a lot of nice old trucks? They used to have some beauties.
  14. You're right, divide by 2. When I have both wheels off the ground, the opposite wheel usually spins backwards, throwing off the ratio count.
  15. Rare one for sure!
  16. People like that are what made America the greatest country in the world.
  17. Make sure the other side stays on the ground or it will spin and throw off your count.
  18. There was a fellow from the UK or thereabouts on here a few years back that had one with a tree growing through the front bumper, it looked similar to this truck. His cab was severely rusted also. He was trying to save the truck, but he stopped posting.
  19. A good R cab is very pricey these days.
  20. If you get a link that won't work, copy and paste it into the address bar on your browser. For this one, you can go to ATHS.org and click on "back lot".
  21. h67st

    Mack BHM

    Boogie rear ends? Does that mean it's got highway gears in it? Or that they wallow all around the road?
  22. I don't think I've ever seen a sleeper with a slide out on it!
  23. Seems like a good price...$25 each, free shipping. https://www.ebay.com/itm/372667774391?ul_noapp=true
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