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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. I hope they don't have to do that every time they mow the lawn.
  2. Star Car! I like that body style.
  3. You mean the races in the housing that's inside the bull gear? They're badly worn. I wonder if that's just from years of use or unmatched tires from side to side or (?).
  4. Try kingofsalvage.com
  5. When you say little effort, what is involved? I have cast aluminum shoes on my H67 and I will need to reline or replace.
  6. You'd have to hold a gun on me to get me up there.
  7. Yes, this truck hasn't moved under its own power since the 80s so water in everything.
  8. You could tell yourself that it has an Allison in it and it blew a cooling line.
  9. That looks like a money maker...no frills or chrome, just get the job done.
  10. Just the thought of a Super with a big motor being neglected brings tears to my eyes.
  11. Where are you located? Some folks would not be interested in paying freight to get those parts.
  12. I think he's still socked in with wet ground. Our local truck trans/diff shop told me they have a parts room full of old Mack parts so I'm going over there today to see what they can find. They have so much that it's not inventoried...the guy who's worked there for 40 years has it in his memory (I hope his memory is better than mine).
  13. Man, that's a lot of cars and trucks!
  14. The bull gears in my differentials have pretty healthy rust pitting in them, what do you think about using them in a hobby truck? The wear patterns are light. I'll never haul significant loads with it, won't run very many miles.
  15. Back in the 80's and 90's, those Louisville Fords were everywhere!
  16. What is that crazy tractor next to the wrecker?
  17. On the ATHS website, a guy has 2 Superliners with 425 Cats and an RL with a Mack engine. Appear to be in California; they look pretty good. https://www.aths.org/advertising-with-aths/adbuilder/list
  18. Watts Mack used to have them...you could check with Barry.
  19. Tubeless tires too! That is unusual.
  20. Here's a nice one from the intertubes.
  21. Sounds like Mike has a first class fleet! ....Nice....
  22. I think the last place I'd want to be in a wreck is underneath a loaded trailer...that just looks scary.
  23. My grandfather did rigging and hauling, had an Allied Van Lines franchise, and was the Brockway dealer here in Columbus Ohio. Here's a photo of one of his trucks taken in 1964...you can see the belt-drive tag axle. Next to it is an N400, brand new and ready for delivery.
  24. I remember seeing an F model on ebay many moons ago with a big purple motor...I really wished I could have bought it.
  25. I've never seen one either...can you snap a pic of that pic so we can see it? Sounds interesting.
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