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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. Unauthorized pieces...that's hilarious! Why did they score the axles?
  2. It's rare to see an F model that's not all rusted out--if I was looking for one, I'd be very interested.
  3. That's a really nice Pete.
  4. They're side opening boxes.
  5. Crazy story! All kinds of nuts in this world.
  6. That's a tall cab...reminds me of a cherry picker Mack! Interesting looking grille.
  7. Looks like Jim Hancock is selling his truck...a really sharp-looking Mack! https://www.ebay.com/itm/196327787971
  8. The one on the left is probably the engine oil filter; if the lines go to the left side of the engine block then that's what it is. It's a Luberfiner 500c, filter is a Wix 51554 and the lid seal is a 15414. If you change it, crack open the plug on the lid a couple of turns after you first start the engine and close it when oil starts to seep out to bleed out the air. I can't help you on the other two.
  9. I like that breather pipe sticking out of the valve cover...is that because DDs have so much blowby? Just kidding.
  10. My neighbor had a 5000 years ago, I wanted to buy it but didn't have a place to keep it. It's long gone now, hopefully someone is taking care of it. They are an odd looking truck. Here's one that belonged to Jerry Howard.
  11. Thanks for the ideas guys! I got lucky, started to put a bearing splitter on it and it popped right off. You're right about safety gear, whenever I use a hammer, grinder, cutter, etc. I cover everything up. There was a guy on here that got his arm torn up pretty good by a cutoff wheel...let me see if I can remember who that was...
  12. I used my steam cleaner to strip some parts, works well when the water is that hot. I used Nason Ful-poxy primer and was very happy with it, but if you're going to blast later that would be overkill. I used it on the chassis, engine, etc. and it really sticks-hard to scratch or chip. You have to top coat within 24 hours but it sure makes a strong coating when you do that.
  13. Working on trying to get the truck driveable; today's project is the rear brakes. Looks like new shoes are in order. Also some past axle damage; bearing is sloppy on the spindle so I'll have to get that fixed at some point. One inner bearing is stuck on the axle, I'll try an H bar to pull it off. If that doesn't work, is the heat wrench the next step? Any suggestions?
  14. It sure seems like having the box mounted on the axle would cause the steering shaft slip joint to wear pretty fast.
  15. I always liked the cab styling, it looks almost as good as a Mack H model (well, aaallllmost).
  16. That sleeper cab is mighty rare.
  17. Something else I learned about working with the vent window rubbers, make sure they're warm. I tried to work with one when it was cold and it cracked. I pointed a heater at the other one while working with it and no crack. Also put a coat of olive oil on them and let sit overnight, they will be more pliable and soft. It's supposed to make rubber last longer.
  18. The F models had some serious rust problems, so most of them went to the scrap. My dad had some that had big chunks of metal rusted off of them. Yours looks fine!
  19. Looking great! I put a pogo stick on my H also, I was afraid if I hung a spring on the cab it would scratch the paint.
  20. I don't have any answers for you, but we'd sure like to see photos of that truck! Not that many F models around any more.
  21. In the blizzard of '78 the water lines in our high school froze and flooded the building, we had to have split sessions in the junior high until they fixed it. Our house was all electric and we didn't have any alternate heat so we stayed with the neighbors for a few days until the power came back on. We didn't have school for a couple of weeks I think. A farmer friend had to use his loader to clear out our driveway--I think the drift was several feet high.
  22. Chaching is right, my local radiator shop told me $900 to cut the tank open and clean and weld it back up again. And that's not a complete belly replacement like 1961H67 did.
  23. Aren't you worried that the gas company will be upset with you?
  24. The tank on my Brockway has a little rust in the bottom, and I've seen companies like POR15 that sell treatment for that. Has anyone used these treatments, and how did you like them? I'll steam it out real well before I use anything.
  25. I'm hoping to have the house built while I build the barn, I don't want to live miles away from where I keep my tools & trucks!
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