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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by h67st

  1. There won't be a lot of shiny stuff on it, I'm mostly going for a vintage look. I will make a few exceptions; I have stainless Mack mirrors and it will have either stainless, chrome, or aluminum full fenders to protect the paint. And of course Mack chrome front hubcaps. I wouldn't mind a shiny front bumper but I also like the original look of a painted bumper.
  2. Looks like a case of positive crankcase ventilation. (sorry, just couldn't resist)
  3. This is Axalta Spectramaster Green 426997N. I've seen other companies call it vintage teal.
  4. I'm thinking Mack red. I like black or grey for frames, but with the cab color I think I'll like red best. Plus it costs more, so I've got that going for me.
  5. Seeing that brings tears to my eyes...that was a nice truck.
  6. Looks like a good truck for $12k.
  7. I have miles to go on the chassis, the only reason I had the cab done now is that the shop had a one year waiting list so I didn't want to let my chance go by.
  8. Yes, if you wash out the tanks, blow out the lines, and change the filters you should be good to go. I've done that on several trucks with good results.
  9. Yeah, it doesn't look all rusted out like a lot of the steel cab trucks! Good find.
  10. There would have been a lot of excitement and American spirit at that time since WWII just ended. Looks like a big crowd!
  11. Beautiful! Not many around that are fixed up like that.
  12. Looks like it needed a push bumper!
  13. Picked up the cab, fenders, and all exterior cab pieces on Thursday. I love the color, it's a Spectramaster green that took a lot of research to find. When I got home there was a small stone chip on the front, dang it! The trailer fenders are off for loading, I put them back on for the trip.
  14. Paul, how's the restoration going?
  15. 41 was a true American hero...one of the greatest presidents we have had.
  16. Looks like Florida...reminds me of a "Rubber Railway" truck.
  17. I get it on Hulu or Netflix, I forget which.
  18. Sure would...do you have anything for late '50s/early '60s trucks?
  19. Is that a "Big Job"? The cab and fenders look like a pickup on steroids.
  20. Fine looking trucks! I'll bet they put a lot of time into cleaning them.
  21. I sure do like that gray color...the truck looks like it's coming along nicely.
  22. The fenders were pretty beat, so my body guy built new ones. He painted the interior, getting ready to paint the exterior. As the cab is coming up, my checking account balance is going down!
  23. I haven't seen it lately, I enjoyed watching it a while back. Did he lose his Western Star rotator? I heard he ran into some money trouble on it.
  24. You're right about the shim plate, but in one of the suspension pics it looks like the frame has been plated and there are dimples around the rivets like rust spreading.
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